The Crescent and the Hammer: Ottawa's Disturbing Convergence of Islam and Communism on Canada's Parliament Hill

RAIR Foundation USA was on the scene in Ottawa on October 12, 2023, to witness a disturbing pro-Hamas rally that illustrated the coordination of Marxists and Muslims, known as the Red/Green Axis. This unholy alliance has a historical pattern: ‘Communists and Islamic Supremacists have a long history of uniting to destroy their common enemy: those who believe in sovereignty and individual freedom.’ They strategically use each other until their respective goals are achieved, and only then do they turn on one another, ultimately engaging in a destructive internal struggle

As the capital city of Canada, protests in Ottawa can take on a different tone than those in other large cities. One significant factor is that fewer people typically attend these events. A considerable percentage of Ottawa residents work in civil service jobs and are reluctant to jeopardize their positions. Moreover, the city tends to lean considerably to the left politically. Consequently, protests aligned with left-wing causes, such as anti-Israel or Black Lives Matter (BLM) demonstrations, attract a significant turnout, with the notable exception of pro-life protests covered by RAIR for two years, which generally see a low five-figure attendance.

Those perusing this site have likely encountered numerous instances of violent footage from anti-Israel protests across the Western world, often fueled by Muslim groups and well-organized factions promoting Islamic global manifest destiny – groups with ambitions to establish Islamic dominance worldwide.

However, another influential group is making strides in global influence: the various factions of communists and socialists, with Ottawa serving as a focal point.

Upon watching the footage of Sunday’s demonstration against Israel on Parliament Hill, one can observe different communist groups represented, along with a Palestinian flag featuring the revolutionary fist in the center – a symbol commonly associated with communist groups worldwide.

One of the groups, the Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada, was well-represented at the demonstration.

There were various Canadian Civil Service Union flags at the demonstration as well, indicating the extent of communist ideology’s infiltration within the civil service of Canada. This has been evident for some time now. However, witnessing a major demonstration calling for the utter destruction of Israel, accompanied by chants of “Allahu Akbar,” is so well attended by a variety of communist groups, should serve as an instructive wake-up call to those sleeping among us.

The 415 represents the OPSEU Local 415, which is the Algonquin College Faculty Union.

One of Canada’s many left-leaning news networks, CTV, finds a person to interview who will provide them with the perspective they seek.

It was a clever merging of the Palestinian flag with the communist revolutionary fist.

Two kinds of communists in one shot: The International League of Peoples Struggle appears to be a Philippine communist group in origin

One of the radicals’ stickers placed on Wellington St. in front of Parliament Hill:

As we dissect the scenes unfolding on Parliament Hill, it’s not merely a glimpse into local dissent but an unsettling revelation of two radically threatening and dangerous ideologies finding a foothold in Canada’s very core. The merging of Palestinian flags with the communist revolutionary fist signals more than a convergence of protests—it heralds the infiltration of global Islamic ambitions and communist influence into the heart of our nation’s capital. The flags, the chants, the fervor—all echo the encroachment of sinister narratives slipping through the fabric of our Canadian identity. Ottawa’s streets bear witness to more than dissent; they bear the weight of a nation at risk of succumbing to the shadows of revolution.

This article was originally published by The RAIR Foundation and is republished here with permission