March of the technocrats part 3:

WE NOW come to the bogeyman de nos jours, Herr Professor Klaus Martin Schwab. It is highly significant that when he was a young postgraduate student at Harvard, his mentor was none other than Henry Kissinger. Kissinger was deeply involved with the Rockefellers and through him so too is Schwab. David Rockefeller was the recent head of the Rockefeller Foundation which, among other enterprises, pioneered and maintained research in depopulation. It still does.

Like his grandfather, father and brother, Schwab is a mechanical engineer by training who has overlain that knowledge with a doctorate in economics and a master’s in public administration. His father, Eugen Schwab, headed the German branch of a Swiss company, Escher-Wyss, which collaborated with the Nazis during World War II using slave labour to produce machinery critical to the German war effort. It was also involved in the race for a Nazi atomic bomb. 

Escher-Wyss was located in Zürich and its German arm was in Ravensburg which lies to the North of Lake Konstanz. Ravensburg was a centre of anti-Jewish persecution in the 1930s. Although some Jewish citizens lost their lives in the 1930s most were able to flee before the worst persecutions began and many Jewish businesses were ‘Aryanised’.

Crimes against humanity took place in Ravensburg once the Law for Prevention of Hereditary Diseases came into force on January 1 1934 which led to compulsory sterilisations. By 1936 sterilisation was the most-performed surgical procedure in Ravensburg municipal hospital.

Escher-Wyss was by 1939 the biggest employer in Ravensburg and the Nazis approached it for co-operation in the coming war. Their advances were reciprocated.  Allied intelligence was aware that Escher-Wyss produced in Switzerland, a supposedly neutral country, flame-throwers for the Nazi forces. It was also involved in building large turbines for the Norsk Hydro Industrial plant at Vemork, the only one under Nazi control capable of producing the heavy water essential for the production of plutonium.

During the war, nearly 3,600 forced labourers were used in Ravensburg, and Eugen Schwab put around 200 of them, both civilians and prisoners of war, to work at Escher-Wyss. The company maintained a small camp for the forced labourers on the factory premises. There were many other such camps in Ravensburg which held significant numbers of French and Russian PoWs. 

This is where the young Klaus and his brother spent their early years as their father maintained the slave-labour habit of Escher-Wyss’s German branch.

Klaus himself joined the company in 1967 and started the reorganisation of it into a technology corporation. With his arrival also came the company’s participation in the illegal proliferation of nuclear weapons technology. The involvement of Sulzer Escher-Wyss, as it was then known, in the global nuclear arms race became immediately more pronounced. Before Klaus became involved, Escher-Wyss had often helped design and build parts for civilian uses of nuclear technology, e.g. nuclear power generation. In 1969, the incorporation of Escher Wyss into Sulzer was fully completed and they would be rebranded into Sulzer AG, dropping the historic name Escher-Wyss from their name.

It was eventually revealed, thanks to a report carried out by the Swiss authorities and a Peter Hug, that Sulzer Escher-Wyss began secretly procuring and building key parts for nuclear weapons during the 1960s. While Schwab was on the board the company also began playing a critical role in the development of South Africa’s nuclear weapons programme during the darkest years of the apartheid regime. Klaus Schwab was a leading figure in a company culture which helped Pretoria build six nuclear weapons and partially assemble a seventh.

It’s a riveting story and you can read more about Klaus Schwab’s family background, business interests and life story here, but we’ll confine ourselves to his brainchild, the World Economic Forum.

In 1970, Schwab asked the European Commission for help in setting up a ‘non-commercial think tank for European business leaders’. The European Commission would sponsor the event as well, sending French politician Raymond Barre to act as the forum’s ‘intellectual mentor’. However, the most influential group that spurred the creation of Klaus Schwab’s symposium was the Club of Rome which now mirrors the World Economic Forum and the Trilateral Commission in many ways, including in its promotion of a global governance model led by a technocratic elite.

Through the World Economic Forum, Schwab has helped to rehabilitate eugenics-influenced population control policies during the post-World War II era, a time when the revelations of Nazi atrocities quickly brought the pseudo-science into great disrepute. The Holocaust is well documented but often overlooked is Aktion T4, Aktion T4 – Wikipedia a campaign of  involuntary euthanasia in which hundreds of thousands were murdered. It is not too much of a stretch to compare Aktion T4 directly with the use of morphine and midazolam in the NHS and in care homes during the pseudo-pandemic of 2020-21. 

Schwab tries to keep his family history hidden, especially his father’s connections to the ‘National Socialist Model Company’ that was Escher-Wyss during the 1930s and 1940s. It appears that he has helped to launder relics of the Nazi era, specifically its nuclear ambitions and its population control ambitions, seemingly so as to ensure the continuity of a deeper agenda. We know about his over-reaching Great Reset; he has recently followed that with The Great NarrativeChina is his role model for the world. What are the real underlying motives? Is he simply about the Fourth Industrial Revolution and establishing a global technocratic government or will we see a merging of the WEF with the EU, which itself had many Nazis hidden in the woodwork, to create the Fourth Reich? 

Looking at history helps us to understand the present, as Neil Oliver often says. In the case of the Schwabs, the evidence doesn’t point only at reprehensible business practices or some sort of misunderstanding. The story of the Schwab family instead reveals a habit of working with genocidal dictators for the base motives of profit and power. The Nazis and the South African apartheid regime are two of the worst examples of political leadership in recent decades yet the Schwabs obviously couldn’t or wouldn’t see that at the time.

All of which brings us back to Niall McCrae’s final question about Elon Musk, who has been going through Twitter with a wire brush and Dettol. Is he One of Us, or is he One of Them? Certainly the omens are good, with the woke defenestrated and Trump’s account unbanned along with those of many other ‘cancellees’. One thing is certain: The way things are shaping up for the world with the proxy war continuing in Ukraine, the orchestrated energy crises, the food crises, inflation, tax rises with Bill Gates and the WHO desperately searching for another pseudo-pandemic while excess deaths continue among the vaccinated, 2023 will be one hell of a year. Fasten your seat-belts. There are storm clouds ahead.

This article was originally published by The Conservative Woman and is republished here with permission