Israel HMO reveal: Decline in pregnancies after COVID shot rollout

New data revealed through a Freedom of Information (FOI) request from one of Israel's biggest HMOs (health insurance funds. There are four of them in Israel. Y.S) – Maccabi, indicate a decline in the number of pregnant women who were in their first trimester as of February 2021. This, compared to an upward trend that occurred from September 2019 to January 2021.

The application was submitted by David Schuldman, a systems analyst, on April 26, 2022. As can be seen in the graph below, in January 2021, the number of pregnant women in their first trimester was 19,564 - a clear upward trend compared to 2018-2019. However, starting in January the number plunged, reaching 18,093 in April.

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It should be noted that Schuldman's request was initially declined, on the grounds that it was a "professional secret of the fund".

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The new data from Maccabi is particularly concerning in light of a similar and even more dramatic trend, which emerges from data from another HMO – Meuchedet, on the number of women who were in their first trimester each month during the same period, starting in February 2021. This data was also obtained through a FOI request, submitted by attorney Ori Xavi in July 2022. Also According to Muehedat data, the decline began in January 2021 - when the number of women in their first trimester was 8,267 and has since plunged to 6,279 in January 2022 – a 24% decrease during 2021.

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Furthermore, this trend also corresponds with data obtained a few months ago through another FOI request submitted by Schuldman from the Ichilov Hospital - which indicated a decline in the number of births, starting nine months after the start of the Covid-19 vaccination rollout in Israel, and again, this is a reversal of the trend seen until the beginning of the vaccination rollout.

Moreover, according to new data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, in 2022 – 178,000 babies were born in Israel - compared to 184,000 in 2021.

A similar trend is also evident in other countries, including Switzerland, Germany and other European countries. “Since January 2022, the number of live births has fallen like never before in Switzerland and the canton of Bern,” reads an urgent report by canton legislators.  In a study published in August 2022, analysts from Germany examined data from 19 European countries and found a 7 percent drop in births, which translates to 110,059 fewer births in the first half of 2022 compared to the average for similar periods in 2019 to 2021. The study reported a drop of more than 10 percent in the birth rate in five countries, while in ten others the birth rate decreased from 4 percent to 9.4 percent. The highest decrease, 18.8 percent, was seen in Romania.

“This very alarming signal cannot be explained by Covid-19 infections”, concluded the researchers. "The correlation with the vaccination campaign and the situation at the time suggests that vaccination had physiological influences on the fertility of women or men".

Along with this alarming data, there is growing evidence indicating that the menstrual cycle disruptions following Covid-19 vaccines reported throughout the world are not short-term and transient, as health authorities tried to claim, but in fact long-term, and last for many months. In an investigation published in Real-Time magazine, a recording was revealed of an internal discussion at the Ministry of Health held in June, during which a team of researchers from the Shamir Hospital (Assaf Harofeh) led by Prof. Mati Berkowitz,  presented serious findings, including long-term effects, new safety signals and a causal link to the vaccine, and warned the ministry from lawsuits. One of the adverse events stressed by the researchers was menstrual cycle disruptions. In one of the slides presented during the discussion, the researchers wrote: "Studies carried out on the above-mentioned subject noted short-term abnormalities (up to a few days) in the menstrual cycle. However, over 90% of the reports detailing the characteristics of the duration of this adverse event indicate long-term changes (emphasis in the original. Y.S). Over 60% indicate a duration of over three months". Furthermore, from the discussion and the presentation, it appears that in ~10% of the cases there was a rechallenge - meaning, the problem recurred or worsened following additional doses.

The accumulated data from the Israeli HMOs and the hospitals, along with the data regarding menstrual cycle disruptions, should serve as a red light for the question of whether, beyond these disruptions - the mRNA vaccines can also affect fertility. 

This article was originally published by Real Time Magazine and is republished here with permission