Climate fact-check October 2023 edition

Guest Post by: The Competitive Enterprise Institute, The Heartland Institute, the Energy & Environmental Legal Institute, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and the International Climate Science Coalition, and Truth in Energy and Climate.

Editor’s note: This summary serves as a fact check on the biggest false claims made in the media in October, 2023. 

If you thought the September 2023 NASA satellite estimated average global temperature anomaly (0.90°C) was high, October topped it at 0.93°C.

But just as occurred in September, the estimated average global temperature based on’s real-time surface station measurements reported October as no big deal temperature-wise, even continuing the trend of global cooling reported since its record began in January 2015.

What is to be made of this discrepancy?

As remarked in September, regardless of the data used to estimate it, “average global temperature” is not an actual physical metric. It is a flawed notion contrived by and for global warming alarmism. Its estimation is fraught with problems. We only discuss it because the alarmists do.

Sure 2023 has been an unusual year so far. But the key question remains: Has 2023 weather been driven or caused by emissions? A reasonably correct answer comes, surprisingly enough, from NASA’s chief climate alarmist, Gavin Schmidt who told the Washington Post: “It is indeed hard to give a good and informed answer to why this is happening.”

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We can agree with that. On to our ten climate fact checks for October.

But after 15 years of “global warming,” the harlequin frog was “back from the dead.”

Links: The Washington Post article, commentary and newspaper link for harlequin frog.

Links: Associated Press article.

Links: The New York Times article, glacial dam bursts history, hydropower in India.

Links: The Associated Press article.

Links: The New York Times article, EPA heat wave page.

Links: The Associated Press article.

Links: The Associated Press article, October temperatures.

Links: The New York Times article.

Links: The Associated Press article.

Links: The Associated Press article, Northern Hemisphere snow cover, alpine winter warming, 2021 World Cup.

This month closes out with a new report exposing the absence sound data and models in global warming alarmism from the Statistics Norway, the official government statistics bureau of Norway. The report concludes that the effect of CO2 emissions is not sufficiently strong to affect global temperatures in any systemic way. It’s a significant report as the Norwegian government postures on the alarmist side of the climate controversy.

You can check out the report here or this thread with the highlights. BTW, there has been no media coverage of this landmark study.

Until next month and for more great climate fact checks from October 2023 check out:

CO2 Coalition

Originally posted at and on Climate Realism, reposted with permission.

Presented by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), the Heartland Institute, Energy & Environment Legal Institute, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), the
International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC), and Truth in Energy and Climate.