Zelenko Protocol discoverer calls COVID-19 'bioweapon', vaccine 'poison'

In a letter addressed "to all humanity," Zelenko Protocol discoverer Dr. Vladimir Zelenko today called the COVID-19 coronavirus a "bioweapon" and the experimental biological agent administered to diminish its severity a "poisonous death shot."Dr. Zelenko, who has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in discovering an effective COVID-19 treatment, wrote: "If after all the information that is now available about the dangers of COVID-19 deaths shots you still choose to take the poison — the negative consequences are completely on you."He continued by enumerating a list of "facts:

  1. COVID-19 is an extremely easy infection to overcome if you are young and healthy or you start treatment immediately upon the onset of symptoms.
  2. COVID-19 is a bioweapon designed and paid for by sociopaths in order to create global panic and manipulate humanity into sheepishly getting injected with a poisonous death shot.
  3. The poisonous death shot causes acute, subacute, and long term death consequences:

"Acute death:

  • Spike protein induced blood clots that cause heart attacks, strokes, lung infarcts
  • Increase in miscarriages and spontaneous abortions by 8 to 24 times before 20 weeks gestation
  • Extremely dangerous heart inflammation called myocarditis that is killing many more young people than COVID-19 itself.

"Subacute death:

  • Antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) or pathogenic priming that will kill off a large percentage of humanity within 3 years. This estimate is based on animal models and the willful lack of long term human studies.

"Long term death:

  • Infertility from reduced sperm counts and ovarian disfunction
  • Increased rate of autoimmune diseases
  • Increased rate of cancer."

Dr. Zelenko then listed several solutions:

  • "Do not take the poisonous death shot;
  • If you already took the poisonous death shot, do not take it, or any boosters, again;
  • Take prophylaxis to prevent ADE;
  • Ignore the murderous advice of NIH, CDC, FDA, WHO;
  • Ignore the fear mongering of mainstream and social media;
  • Reject pathogenic and idolatrous fear caused by the sociopathic enemies of humanity;
  • Bow down to God and ask Him for protection and salvation;
  • The time of our redemption has arrived;
  • Increase in random acts of goodness and kindness;
  • Be prepared to sacrifice everything for the future freedom of your children and humanity."