Zelenko on next pandemic: Zinc ionophores and zinc inhibit all COVID, influenza, RSV, Ebola, Marburg, hantavirus strains

Once-in-a-hundred years every few years

Public health officials have been warning about the “next pandemic” coming on the heels of the COVID “pandemic”. That is, they are predicting a new once-in-a-century pandemic to quickly follow the once-in-a-century COVID “pandemic” (which followed the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic by a century). CBS News carried this headline about the next pandemic in May 2023: 

Prepare for next pandemic, future pathogens with "even deadlier potential" than COVID, WHO chief warns

According to CBS, COVID and the “next pandemic” may even coincide.

[WHO director-general] Tedros [Adhanom Ghebreyesus] said COVID is still a threat — but not the only one we may have to confront.

"The threat of another variant emerging that causes new surges of disease and death remains, and the threat of another pathogen emerging with even deadlier potential remains," he said . . .

Since 2009, American scientists have discovered more than 900 new viruses . . . 

The WHO has urged a focus on researching a handful of specific infectious diseases. The organization notes these pathogens, including Ebola, Marburg, Lassa fever, Nipah and Zika viruses, pose the greatest public health risk because of their epidemic potential. 

Trump's doctor warns from the next world

Dr. Zelenko counted President Donald Trump among the COVID patients he successfully treated, achieving a 99% survival rate even with his high-risk COVID-19 patients.

Trump emphasized that Zelenko asked for nothing in return in providing the president with his protocol.

COVID followed a prediction by Anthony Fauci that the Trump administration would face "a challenge . . . in the arena of infectious diseases" and a WEF and Bill Gates funded simulation of a coronavirus pandemic, leading Zelenko to take the warnings about a follow-up pandemic seriously. He produced a video advising followers how to prepare. Now, one year after the doctor's passing, the video has garnered hundreds of thousands of views.

Zinc ionophores

In that short video, which the doctor's brother Frank calls a “two-minute biology lesson,” Dr. Zelenko reveals that a certain characteristic common to such viruses allows one treatment to act as a magic bullet — zinc ionophores.

So this class of viruses called single-stranded RNA (SSRNA) viruses, and some of those viruses include all the COVID strains, COVID-19, influenza virus, RSV virus, Marburg virus, Ebola virus, hantavirus. There are a few others. The point being is that they all are single-stranded RNA viruses that use the same common pathway in making copies of their genetic material. It's something called RNA dependent RNA polymerase. 

That's what I've been talking about for the last two years in the context of COVID-19. But if we extrapolate that to thinking more broadly, then it's the same method of treatment - using zinc ionophores and zinc could inhibit all the strains of COVID-19, influenza virus, RSV virus, Ebola virus, Marburg virus and hantavirus.

Ionophores are substances that temporarily bind with atoms or molecules with a positive or negative electrical charge. Many ionophores are also lipid-soluble, allowing them to bind with ions like zinc, bring them across a cell membrane, and leave them inside the cell. Zinc ionophores thus bind with zinc, which has a positive charge, helping it enter cells and do its job.

That job is to slow down the replication of SSRNA viruses by inhibiting the the action of an enzyme (RNA dependent RNA polymerase) necessary for those viruses to replicate. Zinc ionophores like hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) are therefore taken in addition to zinc according to the Zelenko protocol. 


Fauci has been among the loudest protestors against the use of HCQ, claiming during congressional testimony that no proper study shows it to be efficacious.

Yet, Fauci himself, and others who today still refuse to recommend the use of HCQ and zinc, proved the efficacy of zinc-ionophores, as summarized by Frontline News in “Cheap drugs, cheap nutrients treat disease say Fauci, Baric, FDA”:

This combination of zinc with an ionophore was proven to be effective against SARS by epidemiologist Dr. Ralph Baric, at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Dr. Baric has been involved in gain-of-function research as well as the development of Remdesivir, a drug [on the government's COVID treatment protocol] that includes liver and kidney failure as adverse effects . . .

Dr. Baric was one of several co-authors of a study published in 2010 which demonstrated that zinc, along with the zinc-ionophore pyrithione increased the cellular concentration of zinc and effectively impaired the replication of the virus . . .

More corroboration for the necessity of zinc to combat COVID-19 comes from a study published September 2020 in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases. The authors conclude:

The study data clearly show that a significant number of COVID-19 patients were zinc deficient. These zinc deficient patients developed more complications, and the deficiency was associated with a prolonged hospital stay and increased mortality.

In fact, the signature symptoms for COVID-19, loss of smell and taste, are both symptoms of zinc deficiency.

The effectiveness extends beyond COVID.

The study also reported that the combination of zinc with an ionophore is effective against a number of other RNA viruses including poliovirus, influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, and several picornaviruses (which cause respiratory tract infections).

In addition to HCQ, Dr. Zelenko included ivermectin, quercetin, and ECGC in his list of zinc-ionophores and also listed Hanta virus, Ebola, and Marburg virus as viruses which can be treated with zinc and a zinc-ionophore

National security

Zelenko continued his “lesson” with what he saw as the big picture surrounding the SSRNA viruses.

This has a tremendous amount of national security implications and I don't think anyone realizes this.

So I'm pleading with our scientists and the honest people in our government to investigate this because as the recent chatter in the news is going, we're seeing hemorrhagic fever from China. There's concern about Marburg virus, hantavirus and Ebola virus. These viruses carry, you know, in some estimates, 90% death rates.

So I think there may there be a solution [to] all these huge public health and bioterrorist problems, all with one simple, cheap, oral approach.

Regardless of whether the “next pandemic” is a chance outbreak, an engineered outbreak brought to our shores by foreign citizens or a hoax altogether, and regardless of whether virus tests are real or fake, keeping people with positive tests off ventilators and remdesivir, out of the hospital and free of fear, through treatment with zinc ionophores, will inoculate the population from further encroachments on the freedom to breath fresh air, to move freely and to refuse chemical injections without consequence.