‘Your worst freaking nightmare’: Kari Lake tears into CBS reporter


Republican Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake publicly harangued a CBS reporter for asking if she would run as Trump’s vice-president in two years. The reporter was ostensibly making a last-ditch effort to show voters she was not committed to the office. 

“If Donald Trump were to announce that he was running, what would your reaction be?” one reporter asked. 

“My reaction would be elation,” the former Fox 10 anchor responded. “And I would absolutely, whole-heartedly support him. We need President Trump back in office to fix what Joe Biden has screwed up,” she added. 

Then, the CBS reporter asked if she would leave office to run with Trump.  

“Just a follow-up question if I may — if Donald Trump announces, as expected, to be president and you win the governorship of Arizona, you’re likely to be talked about as a VP candidate. Will you — do you plan to serve your entire term in Arizona, or are you open to being the VP?” 

Lake rounded on him. 

“Are you new covering this race, because we’ve talked about this before,” she replied. “We’ve talked about this, I’ve answered this question — I’m going to not only be the Governor of Arizona for four years, I’m going to do two terms and I’m going to be your worst freaking nightmare.” 

“For eight years, and we will reform the media as well. We’re going to make you guys into journalists again,” she continued. “So get ready, it’s going to be a fun eight years. I can’t wait to be working with you guys for eight years.” 

Lake’s signature thrashing of mainstream media reporters has become somewhat of a hobby. 

In September, a reporter confronted Lake about “election denial” and accused Trump of dividing the nation by questioning the results of the 2020 election. 

“Since when can we not ask questions about our elections?” the Trump-endorsed candidate said. “As a journalist for many years, I was a journalist after 2016 and I distinctly remember many people, just like you, asking a lot of questions about the 2016 election results, and nobody tried to shut you up.” 

“I don’t see how asking questions about an election where there were many problems is dividing a country,” Lake continued. “What I do see dividing a country is shutting people down, censoring people, canceling people, trying to destroy people’s lives when they do ask questions.” 

In June, Lake taunted a CNN reporter who tried to interview the gubernatorial hopeful outside a campaign event.   

“Hi, Kari, nice to see you. Kyung Lah from CNN,” the reporter introduced herself, offering her hand.   

“You don’t have a mask on anymore, what’s going on?” Lake taunted as she shook Lah’s hand. CNN has been known for its vociferous support for mask mandates, shaming those who choose not to wear them even as its reporters flout COVID rules.   

“Well, we’re outside,” Lah replied, smiling. “Do you have a minute to chat?”   

“We’re six feet apart,” Lake interjected, and Lah asked again, “Do you have a minute to chat?”    

“Um, I’ll do an interview,” Lake said, but added: “As long as it airs on CNN+. Does that still exist?”   

“Ah, no,” Lah replied.   

CNN+ was a subscription-based streaming service the network rolled out in March with great fanfare, even snagging then-Fox News anchor Chris Wallace. But three weeks after launch, the network was humiliated when it was forced to abandon the program at a $300 million loss.   

Lake went on to mock CNN. “I didn’t think so, because the people don’t like what you guys are peddling, which is propaganda. Thank you,” she said to laughter before she walked away, leaving the reporter speechless.  

Lake became particularly popular after a volatile interview in March on 60 Minutes in which she walked off the set after calling pro-mandate host Liam Bartlett “comical,” “a joke,” and saying he makes “some of the crazy reporters and people at CNN look almost respectable.”