Young Canadian doctors death rate 1,110% higher since vaccine, says doctor

The death rate for Canadian doctors under 30 was 1,110% higher in 2022 than in 2019, said a prominent oncologist Sunday, with 180 young doctors suffering sudden deaths since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Dr. William Makis is one of the physicians who tried to warn the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) about the dangers of the COVID-19 shots. Last year, Dr. Makis alerted the CMA on three separate occasions that young Canadian doctors were dying suddenly at high rates.

The CMA, however, took to social media to dismiss such alerts as “disinformation,” assisted by Ontario family physician Dr. Michelle Cohen. Dr. Cohen, who has “she/her” next to her name, led a campaign to ignore the rise in sudden deaths among doctors, which she called “lies.”

Dr. Makis, who is also a cancer researcher and oncology chief at The Wellness Company Canada, sent a follow-up letter to the CMA Sunday in which he provided more data on the excess deaths among physicians:

I am now providing you with an update and information about 180 Canadian doctors who died suddenly or unexpectedly since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines.

Canadian physician excess mortality is 54% in 2022 compare to 2019, which is heavily skewed towards younger doctors, with doctors under 30 dying at +1110% increased rate in 2022 vs. 2019.

The CMA and its entire leadership have known about these serious safety signals involving COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and vaccine mandates in healthcare in Canada since Sep. 3, 2022 and you have made a deliberate decision to ignore them. You are legally liable for that grossly unethical decision. 

I implore you again to remember your Hippocratic Oath and your own CMA Code of Ethics, and call for an immediate halt to all COVID-19 vaccine mandates in Canadian healthcare.

In July 2022, six young Canadian doctors died suddenly within two weeks, including a 27-year-old mother and a 50-year-old Olympic athlete. Three of those doctors all worked for Mississauga Hospital, part of the Trillium Health Partners hospital network. Trillium released a statement mourning the sudden death of three doctors in one week, but still insisted “the rumour circulating on social media” that these deaths could be linked to the COVID-19 shots “is simply not true.”