YouTube proves new world order by censoring ‘new world order’

YouTube unwittingly became part of a “conspiracy theory” Monday when it censored the phrase “new world order”.

The phrase was used in the title of an an interview with Unherd in which former French Ambassador Gerard Ahaud discussed the shift in political powers since the fall of the Soviet Union:

After 1945, the world was dominated by two superpowers, the US and the USSR […] After the collapse of the communist bloc, there was only one superpower. It was what I call the ‘Western moment’, when the United States was dominating this order. Now it’s over, not because of the decline of the US or the decline of the West, but because of rebalancing. China is back; India and Russia are defending their own interests; and the West has to adjust to this new reality.

Unherd titled the segment, “On the new world order”, prompting YouTube to display the following warning label:

“The New World Order is a conspiracy theory that hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government.”

The video streaming giant linked to a Wikipedia page to support its statement.

But YouTube’s ban on the phrase “new world order” was met with amusement, particularly since it remains an oft-used term by globalists.

“We’re going, there’s going to be a new world order out there and we’ve got to lead it and we’ve got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it,” said Joe Biden last year when discussing the Russia-Ukraine war.

During a panel titled “New World Order” at the World Government Summit last year, economist and World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Leader for Tomorrow Dr. Pippa Malmgren told an audience that the financial system is about to turn digital and remain totally under government control. 

YouTube’s denial of an “emerging totalitarian world government” is indeed a “conspiracy,” but it is neither “secret” nor a “theory”. In fact, it is a conspiracy of which YouTube is an integral component.

Wikipedia, the information source YouTube cited, is an openly globalist platform under government influence. The Biden administration last year commissioned a group of journalists called Hacks/Hackers to recruit a troop of Wikipedia censors called “Research Coordinators” for a project called NewsQ. These censors list which sources of vaccine information are “credible sources” and which are “unreliable”.

That list, already taking shape on Wikipedia, consists exclusively of news sites friendly to the Biden administration, including The New York TimesWashington PostGuardian, and The Atlantic, who are all marked “reliable”. Conservative sites such as The Daily WireEpoch Times and The Federalist are all classified as either “unreliable” or “conspiracy”. 

The news corporations favored by the federal government also conspire, by their own admission, with social media platforms to restrict what information is provided to the public. That conspiracy is called the Trusted News Initiative.

The Trusted News Initiative (TNI) is a coalition of the world’s largest news publishers and social media networks who together form a supreme court of truth which adjudicates on what information gets passed to the public and what is withheld. The words used by former BBC Director-General Tony Hall when he formed the junta in 2019 was “to tackle the rise of misinformation.” 

“Last month I convened, behind closed doors, a Trusted News Summit at the BBC, which brought together global tech platforms and publishers,” Hall announced. “The goal was to arrive at a practical set of actions we can take together, right now, to tackle the rise of misinformation.” 

Current members of the TNI include The Washington Post, ABC News, Associated Press, AFP, The Financial Times, The Hindu, The Nation Media Group, European Broadcasting Union, Reuters, Meta (Facebook), Twitter, Microsoft, and Google/YouTube. 

By 2020, TNI had a system set up in which the corporations would alert each other to unapproved information, which would immediately be scoured from the mainstream internet. 

BBC World Service Group Director Jamie Angus said in October 2020, “Our Trusted News Initiative is [an] international partnership initiative convened by the BBC, which links media organisations and social-media platforms. The group has developed a shared early-warning system to alert partners about Disinformation.” 

It was the TNI that decided to sideline or ban any reporting that COVID may have originated in a laboratory in Wuhan, China, that the COVID vaccines do not prevent infection, that vaccinated people can transmit COVID to others, and that compromising emails and videos were found on a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden.