You CAN say 'no' to Big Agra, Big Pharma, and their mRNA beef: Commentary

In mRNA steak anyone?, Frontline News responded to The Gateway Pundit’s report about the imminent use of mRNA vaccines for cattle and one company’s stand against it.[fn]Pig farmers have been injecting mRNA vaccines into swine since 2018.[/fn] Titled “Beef Company CEO Stands Up To Big Pharma: 'I’ll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat’,” the article was meant to highlight Texas-based Whole Cow CEO Jason Nelson’s commitment to stand strong against a powerful adversary.


Is closing down your business 

standing up to, or capitulating to, Big Pharma?


After all, who doesn’t want pushback against industrial tyranny, especially Big Pharma, and who wouldn’t want to support a company doing just that? 

Thinking critically, the question arises, “Is closing down your business standing up to, or capitulating to, Big Pharma?” While it takes courage to follow one’s conscience, closing down the business is likely to leave customers with no choice but to buy from non-natural producers. It’s a lose-lose for the company and its customers while it gives Big Pharma what it wants — less opposition to its products and more customers. 

How likely is it, though, that Whole Cow would really be forced to shut down? The answer seems to be, “very unlikely.” Here’s why. 

While many, if not most, CAFOs (confined animal feeding operations) will probably start using mRNA vaccines once they become approved for cattle, there are independent farmers who have explained that vaccinating animals is not mandatory and they will not be using mRNA vaccines.[fn]According to the USDA (note caption under photo) organic beef cattle can be vaccinated, particularly since they may not use antibiotics.[/fn] As Garth Brown from Craincrest Farm explained:

[A]s a farmer I can explain why I’m confident I would know if there was a secret campaign to mandate mRNA vaccination of cows. The beef industry has hundreds of thousands of independent farmers and ranchers raising cattle, which means administering a national program would be difficult even if everyone was on board with it. It would take a huge amount of coordination and monitoring. It would be completely impossible to do in secret. If it was happening, farmers would know, and we’d all be talking about it.

Independent farms such as Home Place Pastures, J&L Green Farm, and Rep Provisions have also explained why they will not vaccinate their animals with mRNA vaccines. The Ethical Butcher explains how they help farms maintain holistic regenerative farming practices that are good for the environment, the animals, and the people who consume them; and Rafter W Ranch provides resources for sourcing healthy beef and other fresh foods.

With strong conventional agriculture, consumer, and biotech lobbies, it is difficult to say how proposed state bills regarding mRNA vaccines will fare. There is strength in numbers, however, and this suggestion from The Lunatic Farmer can provide a way for consumers to take a real stand for healthy beef:

How about instead of creating a $30 billion per year livestock mRNA industry, we create a livestock sector that’s fundamentally healthy, with a robust immune system?  Doesn’t that sound like a better investment? 

What we need is every fan of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. [who brought the mRNA issue to light] to refuse to take their grandchildren to McDonald’s. . . . If the 37 percent of the U.S. population that refused the covid jab would boycott all industrial food, it would completely collapse the industrial food complex.