World’s first medical clinic for vaccine injuries opens in Italy

The world’s first vaccine injury medical clinic has opened in Lucca, a city in Italy’s Tuscany region, aimed at treating victims of the COVID-19 injections, according to local news sources. 

The clinic is an initiative of a group of doctors and medical health professionals recently reinstated under newly elected Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who nixed her predecessor’s vaccine mandates which barred unvaccinated health workers from practicing. 

Medical rights group Associazione per i Diritti del Malato praised the move but noted that the local Partito Democratico (Democratic Party) is now gunning for the group and the clinic. The Partito Democratico’s local Lucca chapter, led by Valentina Mercanti, has approached the Tuscany Regional Council to shut down the clinic.  

News reports are unclear as to why the Democratic Party is opposing the clinic; only that Donatella Spadi, a doctor with the Party, says the clinic's doctors are strongly “anti-scientific”. 

“We are talking about a truly singular, serious, and perhaps unique precedent on the national scene, a project that manifests from past initiatives that started as early as 2021 in Lucca when they created a ‘medical-health group’ made up of doctors and health workers who proclaimed to be ‘free in mind and conscience’...committed to assisting unvaccinated people from Covid 19 in their own homes,” said Spadi. “We saw that on November 2, the ‘medical-health group’ in question, whose members were reintegrated into their medical roles because of the new law decree issued by the Meloni government, opened ‘the first medical practice specializing in the treatment of adverse vaccine reactions’ to the public.” 

The Democratic Party admits that the clinic is a private initiative, yet still calls on center-Right Lucca Mayor Mario Pardini to take action against it. 

“We are aware of how this is a private initiative on which the municipal administration can have very little impact but at this point, even after the no-vax manifesto appeared in recent weeks in the Church of San Vito, we believe a stance and distance is required by the mayor for what is happening on this front in our city,” added Spadi. 

As pointed out by LifeSiteNews, Italy’s previous administration under Left-wing former Prime Minister Mario Draghi implemented a harsh vaccine mandate which dictated that anyone over 30 who refused the injections would be fined monthly.