World Economic Forum ditches Twitter for China ahead of Davos 2023

The World Economic Forum (WEF) conspicuously removed Twitter from the list of social media platforms it recommends for updates on the organization’s upcoming Davos 2023 conference. 

The Davos conference is an annual summit held in Davos, Switzerland and attended by world leaders who set the global agenda, which has lately centered on climate change.  

In past years, the WEF has used Twitter as its main marketing and broadcasting tool for sharing updates from the conference. In 2022, the globalist organization listed Twitter first as the main go-to platform for its followers. 

“The official Davos 2022 meeting hashtag is #wef22. Follow tweets on this hashtag to keep up with everything going on at the meeting,” read the event guide

But this year, the WEF has removed Twitter from its list for the first time, which some speculate is because the platform was recently bought by Elon Musk, who has declared himself committed to free speech and has often mocked those who comply with the global agenda. 

In March, the world’s richest man tweeted a meme featuring a Neanderthal holding a Ukrainian flag with a rainbow flag behind him and captioned, “I support the current thing.” 

On Wednesday, the billionaire shared another meme of a man wearing a face mask, riddled with vaccines, holding a rainbow flag with the Islamic symbol, and the logos of social media platforms tattooed on his body along with the words “Black lives matter” and “CNN” telling a man with an American flag that he’s “brainwashed”. 

As Twitter has unsurprisingly been scrubbed from the WEF’s guide, the organization continues to recommend other platforms which remain compliant with its agenda. These include Facebook, which censors posts questioning the COVID-19 vaccine, climate change “conspiracy theories,” and YouTube, whose CEO boasted at the last WEF Davos conference that the platform censors any content which challenges federal science. Similarly obedient platforms like Microsoft’s LinkedIn and Meta-owned Instagram also remain on the list. 

The WEF also included Chinese social media platforms TikTok, WeChat and Weibo. TikTok and WeChat were both banned by President Trump as spyware for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Joe Biden reversed the ban, but now even Democratic lawmakers are vindicating Trump after confirmation that the CCP has been spying on journalists through TikTok. 

“This is not something you would normally hear me say, but Donald Trump was right on TikTok years ago,” Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) said in October, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. “If your country uses Huawei, if your kids are on TikTok, if your population uses WeChat as a social media platform, the ability for China to have undue influence is, I think, a much greater challenge and a much more immediate threat than any kind of actual, armed conflict.” 

Weibo is also closely watched and controlled by the CCP, who recently fined the platform for not censoring enough information. 

“China having this kind of technology domination in a number of countries ought to scare the heck out of us because we’ve seen the kind of Orwellian surveillance state they’ve already created within China,” added Warner. 

But the elite members of the World Economic Forum show no signs of fear as the organization embraces the Chinese technology. 

In fact, TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew is expected at the Davos 2023 summit, where he will share his thoughts on “Tackling Harm in The Digital Era,” according to The Dossier. 

This is not surprising considering that the WEF hosts an annual event in Beijing called “Annual Meeting of the New Champions” and that the CCP presented WEF Founder and Chairman Klaus Schwab with the China Reform Friendship Medal in 2018 for his “friendship” with the Chinese government. The WEF also recently announced an additional 40 staff members in its Beijing office. 

Other speaking events and panels on the agenda at Davos 2023, according to The Dossier’s Jordan Wachtel, include “Why We Need Battery Passports”, “Leading The Charge Through Earth’s New Normal,” “A Living Wage For All,” “Enabling An Equitable Transition,” and “Beyond The Rainbow: Advancing LGBTQ+ Rights,” among others.