Woman disabled after vaccine continues to push injections, internet responds

In a post that has now gone viral, a young woman shares her horrific story about how she became disabled after being injected with the COVID-19 vaccine. The woman insists her symptoms stem from “long COVID” and nudges others to get the shots and wear masks. 

"Long COVID” is a term used by the medical and media establishments to refer to ongoing debilitating symptoms after recovering from COVID-19. Ironically, the vaccine itself is the likely cause of long COVID due to its destructive effect on the immune system, says renowned physician Dr. Daniel Stock.

However, many believe “long COVID” to be the new branding name for vaccine injuries, whose prevalence continues to be denied by the pandemic's architects.

It is evident from the very beginning of her story that Savannah Brooks places great trust in authority. 

“As of today I ~officially~ have long COVID (as recognized by the CDC), so I wanna take a second to explain what’s happening,” began Brooks. 

“To set the stage: I’m 30, I’ve been an athlete my entire life, and I used to be extremely healthy, minus some pesky seasonal allergies. My resting heart rate used to be ~67, and my blood pressure used to be 120/80. I have no underlying conditions. Right now, I can maybe walk a handful of blocks before passing out. 

“I had a really intense week of COVID with all your classic symptoms. Then they got better, and I thought I was getting better too. A week later, I tried to go for a walk with my boyfriend, ended up passing out, and he had to carry me home. It took 45 minutes for me to be able to stand without my knees buckling. And now this is my norm.” 

Brooks went on to share that her “post-COVID clinic doctor” assured her that she has a hyper-functioning nervous system, along with 30% of the country, which is why “long COVID folks are exhausted all the time.” She also says that her heart rate has jumped and can hit 140 just from walking up the stairs. 

America’s Frontline News reports weekly on victims of the COVID vaccines, most of whom report shortness of breath, soaring heart rates and an inability to perform even basic physical activity.  

But Brooks hopes that her cardiologist will explain why she is experiencing these symptoms, which will likely be in another month. 

In the meantime, however, she is doing just fine. 

“I am, truly, okay, besides being very tired all the time and not being able to do anything active,” assured Brooks. “I’ve got a great support network, decent health insurance, and a sweet little wheelchair I found for $20 at a thrift store.” 

But that is not why she’s sharing her story. 

“I’m sharing because at one point in my life I literally RAN THE MILE UP THE SWITCHBACK WALL OF THE GRAND CANYON, and now I can’t risk standing in the jetway to board a plane. If my heart can be this affected by COVID, anyone else’s can be. I know it’s been so long, and so many people’s breakthrough COVID cases are mild. But a lot of people’s aren’t. And even if it is mild, a lot of people are seeing issues—cardiac issues being a big one—weeks after they thought they recovered.” 

While several studies have connected the spike in cardiac issues to the vaccine, Brooks says it can be solved by more vaccines and masking. 

“Getting vaxxed and boosted is critical—but so is masking. Please make safe choices. Anyway, here’s a cute little pic of my new wheelchair life and the best–wheelchair pusher (and occasional personal carrier) I could ask for.” 

Brooks added as an aside that she was vaccinated and boosted. 

“As a few people have pointed out, I didn’t mention my vax status (that’s COVID brain for you). I was vaccinated twice and got the booster in January, so I was a four-month-ish breakthrough case.” 

But the responses to Brooks’ story show that she is not likely not getting the reception she was expecting. 

“You have a vax injury, not long Covid. I’m so sorry - we tried to warn you.” 

“So the jab crippled you, but you’re blaming it on the mythical ‘long Covid?’ You pro jab people are toast.” 

“It's called vaccine injury. but it doesn't get as much social status as "long Covid". so maybe stick with that.” 

“So you’re telling people to get vaxxed even though it didn’t work for you and you’re in this terrible situation lol I’m just so confused.” 

“To recap. 3 vaccines. Serious covid, Long covid. Heart problems. And you still believe it worked for you? Are you going to get a 4th dose?” 

“If calling it long covid instead of vax injury helps you through this then power on but FYI I don’t know (although asking multitude of times on multitude of platforms) even ONE non vaxed individual who has been diagnosed with long covid.” 

“I’ve had similar cardiac issues after receiving both doses of the Pfizer vax, but never got COVID. My health deterioration correlates exactly with the second dose and it hasn’t improved in a little over a year.” 

“Everyone I hear having these issues has been at least 2x vaxxed. I pray you get answers and get better, but I fear it's the shot you took causing this. Good luck.” 

“Sorry for your experience and congratulations on your fortitude. But I have a problem. You got vaxxed & boosted and still got long COVID and you are encouraging people to get vaxxed? Why is that?” 

"So didn't even cross your mind that it may be the Vax that caused all this???? It's called critical thinking try it sometime.” 

“What you have is Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE). Top medical experts, like Dr. Malone and Dr. Mcullough warned about this risk. Their voices are still silenced. To advise ppl to get vaxxed and boosted is unloving. You are vax injured but ‘long covid’ is the scape goat.” 

“When everyone who is vaccinated gets covid, it cannot be called breakthrough. I am sad to hear you have suffered but since you were fully vaccinated, and gone through what you did, WHY ON EARTH are you still telling people to vaccinate, boost, and wear masks? Senseless!" 

"Cool story! More experimental shots should cure all your problems. Good luck...” 

 “I treat long Covid and vax injury. Symptoms are the same. Long Covid is made worse with vaccinations. MRNA vaccines turn the body into a spike protein factory. ACE-2 receptor inhibitors block the damage of spike proteins. Get some immediately. Avoid any more vaccinations.”