Will Joe Biden’s ‘next pandemic’ require mail-in ballots?

Joe Biden Tuesday officially announced that there will be another pandemic, though he did not go into details. Biden made the remark while assuring Americans his administration is working to provide enough vaccines for small children. 

“We’ll get through at least this year,” Biden began, adding, “We do need more money. But we don’t just need more money for vaccines for children, eventually. We need more money to plan for the second pandemic. There’s going to be another pandemic.” 

“We have to think ahead,” he continued, going on to take a swipe at President Donald Trump. “That’s not something the last outfit did very well, and that’s something that we’ve been doing fairly well. That’s why we need the money.” 

While it is unclear if the remark was made intentionally in a moment of lucidity, many took to social media to share that it fits a certain playbook. 

“The DNC’s ‘Mid-Terms Mail-in-Ballot’ prep work begins …” 

“Biden stated that there's going to be another pandemic? Translation:  We're going to develop more restrictions to justify mail-in ballots and election fraud.” 

“The Democrats aren’t even bothering to hide it anymore. They need lockdowns and mail-in ballots (delivered by mules) to win the mid term elections, and that’s exactly what they’re planning. That's why Sniffer-Joe has just announced he 'needs more money for the next pandemic.’” 

“Next pandemic?  LMAO. He means mail in ballots to cheat AGAIN during the next election.” 

“Looks like we’re in for a new pandemic every election cycle now. Need an excuse for at home ballots.” 

“Prepping us for the midterm elections' pandemic. They need to cheat with mail-in-ballots, so they have to create a new pandemic.” 

“Now Biden wants more money for the next pandemic. So, they are planning to release the next pandemic for the 2024 election. More mail in ballots. More cheating. When does it end?” 

“The second pandemic is coming August-September in time to push mail in ballots for the midterms. They can only win by cheating. #2000Mules #BidenBallotTrafficker #BidenDestroysAmerica #Bidenflation.” 

“Another pandemic is necessary to overcome all the racist voter ID laws. How else can we force states to accept unsolicited unverifiable absentee mail in ballots. Move along nothing suspicious here.” 

Democratic states used the COVID-19 pandemic as a reason to increase mail-in voting for the 2020 election, which resulted in hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes as documented in 2,000 Mules.