Why is Biden provoking China?

China and The Swamp: A Love Story 

Disney couldn’t have been prouder to release the children's animated film Lightyear last month which had Buzz kissing another male character on the lips. Critics and audiences, however, rated Lightyear as one of the worst films in Pixar’s history. 

It’s not as if Disney wasn’t prepared for that – the “get woke, go broke” formula has been tried and tested for some time. But as Disney Television Animation Executive Producer Latoya Raveneau admitted on leaked video, “there is a not-at-all-secret gay agenda” at Disney. It’s why Disney will be giving that agenda another go in November with Stranger World, the first animated film to feature a same-sex teen romance. 

Warner Bros learned the same lesson in April when it released Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, a box-office flop which also featured a kiss between the two main male characters. 

But despite its fervent commitment to the “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” - even at great financial sacrifice - Warner Bros removed the gender disoriented scene from the film for Chinese distribution at the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) request.

In the main, Hollywood has always been one of China’s most ardent fangirls. In its 2020 remake of Mulan, Disney even thanked the CCP in the film’s credits. 

The mainstream media have also been protective of the communist regime, blasting Trump at the outset of COVID-19 for calling it “the China virus” and for shutting down travel to and from China. But that should come as no surprise after the CCP paid nearly $20 million through China Daily to American media outlets, including The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, and others. 

Then there are the big corporations such as Pfizer, Boeing and Qualcomm who, according to the New York Post, have employed dozens of CCP members. 

Enter Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), who maintained a romantic relationship with a CCP spy after she helped get Swalwell elected. Swalwell remains on the House Homeland Security Committee. 

On Thursday, the Justice Department charged two members of the Department of Homeland Security with being part of a “transnational repression” scheme, spying on and harassing U.S. political dissidents on behalf of the People's Republic of China.

Talking the Talk 

Despite the establishment Left and China being literal bedfellows, the Biden administration just fired a shot across the bow at the CCP. 

According to Sky News, FBI Director Christopher Wray gave “an unprecedented joint speech” Wednesday with MI5’s Ken McCallum, warning that China is trying to learn from Russia how to protect itself against future sanctions if it invades Taiwan. 

The intelligence heads also accused Beijing of trying to hack and steal new technologies, along with other sectors. 

"The most game-changing challenge we face comes from the Chinese Communist Party,” said McCallum. "It's covertly applying pressure across the globe. This might feel abstract. But it's real and it's pressing. We need to talk about it. We need to act." 

Evidently, Beijing did not take to these remarks kindly. 

“Facts have fully proven that the U.S. is the biggest threat to world peace, stability and development," said China Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian Thursday. “We urge this U.S. official to have the right perspective, see China’s developments in an objective and reasonable manner and stop spreading lies and stop making irresponsible remarks." 

That’s just the latest incident of the Biden administration kicking the Red hornet’s nest. 

Last week, a top Federal Communications Commission (FCC) official called on Google and Apple to remove Beijing-based app TikTok from their platforms following leaked recordings showing that Beijing is accessing U.S. user data through the app. 

In May, Biden also challenged Beijing when he vowed military intervention if China were to attack Taiwan. 

But as anyone in D.C. will tell you, nothing is as it seems. 

While Biden has made a show of taking a hard line on China, his actions suggest that he and Beijing may be getting even cozier than before. 

The Biden-Beijing Connection 

A voicemail unearthed last week from Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” reveals that the elder Biden lied when he said he knew nothing about his son’s business dealings. In the 2018 recording, the former vice-president tells Hunter “I think you’re clear”, referring to a New York Times story about the arrest of one of Hunter’s Chinese business partners, Patrick Ho, on bribery charges. 

“I thought the article released online, it’s going to be printed tomorrow in the [New York] Times, was good,” said Joe, assuring his son that he would not be implicated in the article. 

Hunter and Patrick Ho were partners in a multi-billion-dollar Chinese corporation called CEFC China Energy, a private corporation not run by the CCP. While CEFC had investments across the globe, 60% of its revenue came from oil. In 2018, CEFC moved to acquire a 14.2% stake in Russian-owned Rosneft, the world’s largest publicly traded petroleum company and “the largest Russian taxpayer.” CEFC had already begun paying Rosneft for its $9.1 billion stake. 

At that point, Hunter Biden was seeing dollar signs. He had arranged for his father to get a significant chunk – “10% for the big guy” – of whatever came from the acquisition. 

But just before the deal could be completed, the CCP arrested its founder and chairman, Ye Jianming, on corruption charges, halting the transaction in its tracks. The CCP then absorbed CEFC so that it is now state-owned. 

China is the world’s largest oil consumer after the United States. A Chinese 14.2% stake in one of the world’s largest oil companies would have been a welcome development. 

It's almost as if the communist regime was sending a message to the Bidens: Do business only with the state. 

What's Next

China is now one of the few beneficiaries of Biden occupying the White House, despite the incendiary repartee between Washington and Beijing. 

For one, Biden’s embargo on Russian oil is allowing China to purchase crude stockpiles from Russia at unprecedentedly low prices – less than half the international going rate per barrel, suggests Fortune. 

This week, Reuters reported that China was one of the recipients of 5 million barrels of oil exported by Biden just as Americans are desperate for relief from the astronomical prices at the gas pump.

Furthermore, the Washington Free Beacon reported Thursday that the Biden administration sold nearly a million barrels of oil in March to a company owned by the CCP in which the Bidens own a 10% stake.

It was also reported this week that Biden is likely to lift tariffs on China reversing Trump era policy. 

This is in addition to the protection Biden lends China regarding COVID-19. Though Biden had publicly ordered an investigation into the origins of COVID-19 in May 2021, no conclusion was ever disclosed. 

This under-the-table amorousness may be extending beyond oil to the next stage: electric vehicles (EV). 

Biden and his cabinet have been pushing Americans to buy electric vehicles since gas prices began skyrocketing under Biden’s tenure, in what they call a “transition”. 

“To support the transition to electric vehicles, we must build a national charging network that makes finding a charge as easy as filling up at a gas station,” tweeted Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg last month after suggesting the previous month that Americans buy electric cars to avoid high gas prices. 

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said in May that there needs to be a “transition” to renewable energy. 

Biden himself gave the stark impression that Americans are being groomed to transition to electric vehicles. 

“And when it comes to the gas prices,” Biden said in response to a reporter in Tokyo, “we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over.” 

Indeed, a November Cars.com report showed that over two-thirds of Americans would consider switching to an electric vehicle if gas prices continue to rise. 

As it happens, the country who recorded the strongest growth in the electric vehicle market last year was China, with a 53% share of the global market. 

It remains to be seen what stake the Bidens have in China's EV industry. Like adulterous paramours, the family appears to mistakenly believe that their dealings will forever remain secret.

In the meantime, for the Chinese Communist Party, Biden is the gift that keeps on giving – and it’s about to give its biggest payout yet. 

With 10% for the big guy.