White supremacy now open to non-Whites as ‘racism’ narrative struggles

Corporate media have now opened White supremacy to people of color as they struggle to breathe life into the dying narrative.

A shortage of racism has been forcing news outlets to accuse minorities of White supremacist ideology. The practice started in 2021 when the Los Angeles Times published a column referring to then-Republican California gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder as “the Black face of white supremacy”.

This month, however, media corporations have intensified a campaign to include non-Whites in the White supremacist category.

Last week, news publications reported that a White supremacist drove a u-Haul truck into a security barrier outside the White House. The 19-year-old driver, Sai Varshith Kandula, is of Indian ethnicity, but law enforcement told media that they recovered a Nazi flag from the u-Haul. Authorities included a picture of the flag spread neatly on the ground next to the truck.

Kandula, it turns out, is not a US citizen, but a globalist who believes in a one world order.

Nevertheless, Kandula remains only one of the media's headlines this month warning about non-white White supremacists.

“Latinos Can Be White Supremacists,” read a headline this month in The Atlantic, arguing that a recent mass shooting in a Texas mall by a Hispanic person was an act of White supremacy.

“Why non-White people might advocate white supremacy,” reported the Washington Post.

“Latino white supremacists are a reality across the country — and in Miami,” reported WLRN.

“White supremacists don’t have to be white,” said The Nation.

“The allure of fascism: why do minorities join the far right?” wrote The Guardian last week.

The headlines come the same month as Joe Biden’s announcement that White supremacy “is the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland”.

The Biden administration has hawked the threat of “White supremacy extremism” since Joe Biden occupied the White House, assigning the label to Trump supporters, January 6th attendees, and even young Kyle Rittenhouse who shot three White men in self-defense, one of whom had been shouting racial slurs against Blacks. 

However, the Biden administration has been having difficulty finding any White supremacy. According to a report by The Washington Times, FBI agents are being ordered to manufacture White supremacy incidents to meet “internal metrics” that would lend credence to Biden’s claims. 

“The demand for White supremacy” coming from the FBI’s top brass “vastly outstrips the supply of White supremacy,” said one agent, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “We have more people assigned to investigate White supremacists than we can actually find.” 

“We are sort of the lapdogs as the actual agents doing these sorts of investigations, trying to find a crime to fit otherwise First Amendment-protected activities,” he said. “If they have a Gadsden flag and they own guns and they are mean at school board meetings, that’s probably a domestic terrorist.”