White supremacists mysteriously appear after Biden warns about ‘White supremacy’

A mysterious band of White supremacists Monday began marching on Washington, DC just hours after Joe Biden announced that White supremacy “is the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland”.

Biden made the remark during a commencement speech at the historically Black Howard University, though he added, ”I’m not just saying this because I’m at a Black HBCU. I say this wherever I go."

A few hours later, media outlets began reporting that “Hundreds of White Supremacists March on Capitol with Shields, Battle Drums”.

According to news reports, the group is named Patriot Front and was formed in 2017 after the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. It supposedly consists of around 200 members who support President Donald Trump.

However, most mainstream media are unable to name any members or show any faces of Patriot Front members apart from its leader, Thomas Rousseau, and one other member who still remains unidentified. A far-Left operative site called Unicorn Riot claims to have obtained 400 gigabytes of internal communications from Patriot Front, including chat logs. It names a few members and displays photos which show unmasked men, but the information remains unconfirmed.

Photos circulated in media reports about Patriot Front’s protests and marches, like this week’s march to Washington, DC, are all strikingly similar. All members are always dressed in khakis, blue shirts, white ski masks, sunglasses and baseball caps. Several carry American flags, a Betsy Ross flag, and the group’s flag, which is said to borrow symbols from ancient Rome. They carry signs with the slogan “Reclaim America”.

There are no overweight or female members, and none seem to remove their mask for a moment.

A video uploaded to social media Sunday shows Patriot Front members entering the subway, all fully masked as police officers look on. No other people appear to be in the subway station.

Last year, media reported that 31 members of Patriot Front were arrested by police in Idaho for planning a riot. Photos show several members on their knees in front of police officers, their hands tied behind their backs with zip ties. They are all still wearing their masks, sunglasses, and gloves.

Influencer and former police officer Zeek Arkham described his reservations about the event in a tweet:

I’ve taken part in mass arrest situations. 

The first thing I’d do, after an arrest, is pull that mask off. It’s for identification and safety purposes. I need to see whom I’m arresting and I can’t risk their airways being obstructed.

Also, if they weren’t identified yet, I wouldn’t have them so close to each other. Too much liability, including the possibility of a prisoner escaping.

None of this makes sense. 

Also, if I’m arresting all of them and I don’t want them to run, they’d be sitting on their ass with their legs out in front of them, crossed. 

The gloves would also be off. No way I could properly adjust a zip tie with their gloves on.

So much I could pick apart, which is ground ball stuff I learned in the academy.

I have questions…

On social media, it is difficult to find any support for Patriot Front. Many netizens, however, believe the White supremacists are actually federal agents in disguise as part of a false flag operation. 

While this has not been confirmed, the FBI is reportedly being forced to produce “White supremacy” crimes to meet certain benchmarks.

The Biden administration has hawked the threat of “White supremacy extremism” since Joe Biden occupied the White House, assigning the label to Trump supporters, January 6th attendees, and even young Kyle Rittenhouse, who shot three White men in self-defense. One of the men had been shouting racial slurs against Blacks. 

However, the Biden administration has been having difficulty finding any White supremacy. According to a report by The Washington Times, FBI agents are being ordered to manufacture White supremacy incidents to meet “internal metrics” that would lend credence to Biden’s claims. 

“The demand for White supremacy” coming from the FBI’s top brass “vastly outstrips the supply of White supremacy,” said one agent, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “We have more people assigned to investigate White supremacists than we can actually find.” 

“We are sort of the lapdogs as the actual agents doing these sorts of investigations, trying to find a crime to fit otherwise First Amendment-protected activities,” he said. “If they have a Gadsden flag and they own guns and they are mean at school board meetings, that’s probably a domestic terrorist.”