White House threatens 100 million COVID cases if not paid

The Biden administration is threatening the country with 100 million COVID-19 cases this fall and winter if it does not receive billions of dollars in funding, which it says is needed to combat the virus. 

A CNN report Friday said the “Biden administration is issuing a new warning that the US could potentially see 100 million Covid-19 infections this fall and winter, as officials publicly stress the need for more funding from Congress to prepare the nation.” 

“The White House is sharing these estimates as officials renew their push to get Congress to approve additional funding to combat the virus and as the nation approaches a coronavirus death toll of 1 million,” CNN’s Kaitlan Collins added. “Officials have said the White House will commemorate the moment when the US surpasses 1 million deaths from Covid-19.” 

According to the Daily Mail, Biden is seeking approval from Congress for $22.5 billion in more funding “to allow the federal government to continue to purchase tests, therapeutics and continue other virus surveillance and prevention measures into the future.” 

The White House’s “prediction” is based on a model, not any new data. 

Joe Biden will convene a second “COVID-19 Summit” Thursday, in which he will address the United States recently hitting the solemn benchmark of one million COVID deaths. 

Most of those deaths – upwards of 600,000 according to some reports – occurred since Biden began occupying the White House, despite Biden’s campaign promise that he would “shut down the virus”. 

Just days after taking office, however, he said “there’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months.” 

Part of the need for the billions in COVID funding, says the Biden administration, is to fight disinformation. 

“We have tens of millions of unclaimed doses because countries lack the resources to build out their cold chains, which basically is the refrigeration systems; to fight disinformation; and to hire vaccinators,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said this week according to Associated Press.