White House: ‘Ridiculous’ to compare 2016 election denial to 2020 election denial

The White House Press Secretary Tuesday became visibly nervous after being confronted by a reporter about her denial that the 2016 election results were legitimate. 

As Biden continues to divide the country with persistent rhetoric against “MAGA Republicans” - recently declaring anyone who questions the 2020 election as enemies of the state – those who questioned the 2016 election results continue to evade challenge or confrontation. 

One of those who denied Trump’s victory in 2016 was White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who tweeted in December 2016, “Stolen emails, stolen drone, stolen election.....welcome to the world of #unpresidented Trump.” 

In April 2020, Jean-Pierre also denied the Georgia gubernatorial election results, writing, “Reminder: Brian Kemp stole the gubernatorial election from  Georgians and Stacey Abrams.” 

At the White House Press Briefing Tuesday, Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy confronted Jean-Pierre about her past remarks. 

“A follow-up about the MAGA Republican attention. So if we’re all in agreement that it is incorrect to say the 2020 election was stolen, what about the 2016 election?” asked Doocy plainly. 

Jean-Pierre clumsily tried to sidestep the question. 

“Look, I’m not going to go back to where we were or what happened in 2016,” she said, before claiming that Biden is actually creating unity with his divisive speeches. “We’re going to focus on the here and now. We’re going to focus on what’s happening today — this inflection point that the President pointed out, very clearly, very decisively in a few speeches about what the country needs to do at this time to bring the country together.  

“And he believes that’s where a majority of Americans are when it comes to protecting our democracy, when it comes to protecting our rights, and when it comes to protecting our freedoms.  That’s what we’re going to talk about.  That’s what we’re going to focus on — on where we are today.” 

“But just in trying to understand the new attention on the MAGA Republicans, you tweeted in 2016 – “ pressed Doocy, before being cut off nervously by Jean-Pierre. 

“Oh, I knew this was coming. I was waiting, Peter, when you were going to ask me that question,” she said, laughing anxiously and clearly unprepared for the question. 

“Well, great.  Here we go.  You tweeted Trump ‘stole’ an election.  You tweeted Brian Kemp ‘stole’ an election.  If denying election results is extreme now, why wasn’t it then?” 

“So let’s — let’s — let’s be really clear: That — that comparison that you made is just ridiculous,” she said, stammering. “I have been — I have been — 

“How is that ridiculous?” 

“Well, you’re asking me — you’re asking me a question.” 

“Yes, and you said it was ridiculous.” 

“Let me answer it. I was — I was talking specifically at that time of what was happening with voting rights and the — what was in danger of voting rights.  That’s what I was speaking to at the time.” 

The press secretary then stumbled through various falsehoods, first claiming that she had actually accepted Trump’s and Kemp’s victories. 

“And here’s the thing: I have said Governor Kemp won the election in Georgia.  I’ve been clear about that.  I have said President Trump won the election of 2016.  And I’ve been clear about that.” 

Then Jean-Pierre tried to turn the conversation to the Biden administration’s preferred red herring, always kept handily within reach in event of a challenge: January 6th.  

“What we are talking about right now is — let’s not forget what happened on January 6th, 2021, when we saw an insurrection — a mob that was incited by the person who occupied this campus, this facility at that time.  And it was an attack on our democracy. 

“Let’s not forget people died that day” – they didn’t, save for two Trump supporters – “Law enforcement were attacked that day” – they weren’t - “that was the danger that we were seeing at the time.  That’s what the President has called out.  And that’s what he’s going to continue to call out. 

“So, yes, when you have MAGA Republicans — a extreme part of Republicans who for — who just deny or do not want to really say what exactly happened on that day, or say it was a protest when it clearly was not a peaceful protest — that’s not what we saw on that day — yes, the President is going to call that out.  

“And here’s the thing: Majority of Americans agree with him, majority of Americans agree with this President on protecting our democracy, protecting our freedom, and protecting our rights.  That’s what we’re talking about today, and that’s what the President is going to focus on.” 

Other 2016 election deniers include Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, and many others, as shown here: