White House orders media to retaliate against Republican lawmakers for impeachment inquiry

The White House Wednesday instructed news media to “ramp up its scrutiny of House Republicans” in retaliation for opening an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden.

“It’s time for the media to ramp up its scrutiny of House Republicans for opening an impeachment inquiry based on lies,” wrote White House Counsel Office spokesman Ian Sams in a letter obtained by CNN.

Sams also openly warned media operatives not to cover both sides of the story.

“Covering impeachment as a process story – Republicans say X, but the White House says Y – is a disservice to the American public who relies on the independent press to hold those in power accountable,” Sams continued.

“And in the modern media environment, where every day liars and hucksters peddle disinformation and lies everywhere from Facebook to Fox, process stories that fail to unpack the illegitimacy of the claims on which House Republicans are basing all their actions only serve to generate confusion, put false premises in people’s feeds, and obscure the truth,” he added.

Media operatives immediately began churning out content opposing the impeachment. 

“By opening an impeachment investigation into President Joe Biden, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy unleashed an unpredictable and treacherous new political force into what is already the most abnormal election of modern times,” wrote CNN.

As of this report, at least 20 articles on the impeachment inquiry have been written by mainstream media sources in the few hours since the White House’s letter. All articles insist there is “no evidence” that Joe Biden used his office for corrupt business dealings before admitting there is sufficient evidence to launch an inquiry.

CNN operatives published a “fact-check” within hours of receiving the White House’s letter in which they admitted most of the evidence leading to the impeachment inquiry is true, but the news site nevertheless downplayed it.

Along with the letter, Sams enclosed a “useful” fact sheet with the Biden administration’s talking points on the impeachment inquiry.

“As you begin to cover the House GOP’s impeachment push more intensely, enclosed you will find a 14-page appendix that comprehensively addresses the 7 key lies House Republicans are suggesting they are basing an impeachment on,” Sams wrote. “We hope this document helps provide you with factual information useful in your reporting on their unprecedented, unfounded claims underlying an impeachment inquiry without any evidence of wrongdoing.”