White House orders Americans to sacrifice for Ukraine, ‘Liberal World Order’

Joe Biden told Americans Thursday that Americans will need to endure high gas prices “as long as it takes” to ensure Ukraine wins its conflict against Russia. 

New York Times correspondent Jim Tankersley asked Biden at the NATO summit last week about gas prices, noting that “the war has pushed prices up.  They could go as high as $200 a barrel, some analysts think.  How long is it fair to expect American drivers and drivers around the world to pay that premium for this war?” 

“As long as it takes so Russia cannot, in fact, defeat Ukraine and move beyond Ukraine,” answered Biden

The remark even prompted CNN Thursday to question National Economic Council Director Brian Deese on Biden’s statement. 

“What do you say to those families who say, ‘Listen, we can’t afford to pay $4.85 a gallon for months, if not years?” 

"Well, what you heard from the president today was a clear articulation of the stakes," Deese said. "This is about the future of the liberal world order and we have to stand firm. But at the same time, what I would say to that family and Americans across the country is you have a president and an administration that is going to do everything in its power to blunt those price increases and bring those prices down." 

According to an online course by the Council on Foreign Relations, the liberal world order is a "series of international organizations and agreements to promote global cooperation on issues including security, trade, health, and monetary policy."

The latest strategy from the Biden administration to “bring those prices down” has been to demand that fuel companies, whom Biden had restricted from domestic drilling since his first day in the White House, now sell gas to Americans at cost.  

“My message to the companies running gas stations and setting prices at the pump is simple: this is a time of war and global peril,” tweeted Biden Saturday. “Bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the cost you’re paying for the product. And do it now.” 

In addition to paying high gas prices, American taxpayers have already paid roughly $54 billion to Ukraine, which the ruling class declared in May is “the most important thing in the world.” It is unclear why Ukraine has been designated as such, though many speculate it is because the Slavic country holds secrets of political corruption among Washington’s establishment.  

The Biden administration's insistence that American families pay for its war is a sentiment shared by many globalist elites. 

As reported by America’s Frontline News in March, late Night host Stephen Colbert, who is worth an estimated $75 million, reassured his audience that what they lose financially they will gain in virtue.  

He also comforted them by letting them know that he, at least, can afford higher gas prices.  

“Today, the average gas price in America hit an all-time record high of over $4/gallon,” said the TV host. “OK, that stings, but a clean conscience is worth a buck or two. It’s important. I’m willing to pay $4/gallon. Hell, I’ll pay $15 a gallon because I drive a Tesla.”  

Just prior to Colbert’s remarks, former Star Trek star George Takei, who is worth an estimated $14 million, also lectured the masses that buying food is not as important as punishing Russia.  

“Americans: We can endure higher prices for food and gas if it means putting the screws to Putin,” tweeted Takei piously. “Consider it a patriotic donation in the fight for freedom over tyranny.”  

At the same time, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg offered a solution to those who are being impacted by the rising gas prices, which in some areas has reached over $7 a gallon: buy an electric car and help climate change.  

Not surprisingly, CNN joined the call for financial sacrifice in the name of moral superiority.  

CNN Business and Politics correspondent Vanessa Yurkevich assured viewers on Tuesday that people are fine paying more money just to take a stand in the Russia-Ukraine war.  

“People we’ve spoken to over the last couple weeks, they’re okay with paying higher prices if it means holding Russia accountable for what they are doing in Ukraine,” said Yurkevich. 

According to Newsweek, a video of Deese’s remark has been viewed over one million times.