White House cuts feed during question about ‘Blaxit’

The White House abruptly cut its media feed Tuesday during a question about a mass exodus of black staffers just as the press briefing was ending. 

According to an embarrassing report published by Politico Tuesday, at least 21 black White House staffers have left or are planning to leave their jobs in what some of them are referring to as “Blaxit.” The staffers have cited little to no support from superiors and no opportunity for advancement as reasons for leaving. 

The staffers spoke on condition of anonymity due to fear of reprisal. 

During the hour-plus White House press briefing Tuesday, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre fielded questions from various reporters from mainstream media outlets, none of which touched on the damning report. 

But just as the briefing was ending and before Jean-Pierre walked away from the podium, Today's News Africa's Simon Ateba called out a question about the “Blaxit” report. 

"Do you know why black people are leaving the Biden administration? 20 of them have left in the past few –” 

Jean-Pierre turned her head, acknowledging the reporter, but the White House suddenly cut the media feed and the screen simply showed “Thank you for joining.” Typically, the feed is still rolling even after the press secretary leaves the room.

The White House press corps has been notorious in its attempts to ignore substantive issues that could embarrass the Biden administration and peddle softball questions.  The Politico report was no exception.  

The report was not touched on during the press briefing, but the press corps had time for an appearance by Korean boy band “BTS”, who was there to talk about anti-Asian hate. The BTS members were fawned over by the reporters in the room. 

“What does it mean to you to come to the White House?” asked one.

“Which of us is your favorite?" another said to laughter. 

“When is the world tour coming?” another reporter gushed. 

While the Politico report is particularly humiliating for the Biden administration given its repeated virtue signaling, the media appear to have deliberately sidestepped it, in keeping with their conspicuous pro-Biden bias. 

Last year, CNN’s Brian Stelter even asked then-White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki how the media can do better in reporting on the Biden administration. 

“What does the press get wrong when covering Biden’s agenda, when you watch and read the news, what do you think we get wrong?” Stelter asked obsequiously. 

In another interview last year, MSNBC correspondent Nicole Wallace asked Psaki, "You get such high marks from the vast majority of the people in the room. You spar a bit with some of the president’s detractors. I’m sure privately they give you grudging respect. How do you feel it’s going?” 

"Stand your ground is my only advice for you,” she added. 

Other questions the mainstream press has posed to the Biden administration include if Biden “would like to meet the queen” and what Biden’s favorite ice cream flavor is.