White House-Big Tech alliance continues with new Google exec hire

The Biden administration is further bolstering its alliance with Big Tech by hiring a Google executive to the White House’s Office of the National Cyber Director. 

Camille Stewart Gloster will begin August 1st as the new deputy national cyber director to focus on “workforce programs and supply chain security issues,” according to Axios. 

Stewart Gloster appeared to be heavily involved with censorship at the tech giant, having served as the Global Head of Product Security Strategy at Google, as well as Head of Security Policy at Google Play and Android “where she leads security, privacy, election integrity, and dis/mis-information.” 

In other words, Stewart Gloster was tasked with ensuring that no content on Google Play or Android challenged the COVID-19 narrative or the 2020 election. 

Stewart Gloster is also known to be consumed with racism. 

“Systemic racism is a cybersecurity threat,” wrote Gloster in 2020. “Cybersecurity is about people & ignoring how technology shows up in the lives of ALL people leaves us vulnerable,” she added. 

In August 2020, she demanded America’s “national security apparatus” focus on dismantling systemic racism. 

“On the heels of the horrific shooting of #JacobBlake, it is clear there is a lot of work to be done generally & our #NatSec apparatus must be a  part of dismantling systemic racism,” she tweeted. 

The Biden administration’s familiar relationship with tech oligarchies is well known, according to internal memos from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) leaked by whistleblowers last month. 

As reported by America’s Frontline News, one memo revealed plans by the DHS to collude with Twitter in rooting out disinformation.  

The “disinformers”, according to the memo, were anyone who questioned the 2020 election results, or elections in general. Anyone who questioned “the origins and effects of COVID-19 vaccines or the efficacy of masks” was also considered a national security risk, along with those who spread “falsehoods surround[ing] U.S. Government immigration policy.”  

The memo also showed that Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans Under Secretary Robert Silvers had an off-the-books meeting scheduled for April 28, 2022, with Twitter’s Head of Policy Nick Pickles and Head of Site Integrity Yoel Roth, who publicly referred to President Donald Trump and his administration as “ACTUAL NAZIS”. The meeting was to enlist the social media giant’s help in the fight against "mis-, dis- and mal-information.”  

The whistleblowers also alleged that the Biden administration tapped free speech opponent Nina Jankowicz to the now-scrapped “Disinformation Governance Board” due to her pre-existing familiar relationship with Pickles and Roth.