What else feminists avoided on International Women's Day - Part II

In honor of International Women's Day (IWD), Frontline News published a piece on what feminists are avoiding on that day, including the current phenomenon of biological men harassing girls in changing rooms, dashing their sports dreams and endangering them in contact sports, as well as the fake 23% wage gap between the genders. The list does not end there.

Rape investigators off the job 

Protecting women from rape and other violent assaults would seem to be a top priority for law enforcement and women's groups alike. Low rape prosecution rates are a predictable outcome, however, of a reorientation of local police departments and FBI branches throughout the nation to focus on violations of regulations, such as social media posts opposing government policies. Frontline News covered this trend in, “FBI - No time to interview rape victims; plenty for Jan 6 trespasswith a look at the problem in the UK which is a few years ahead of the US in the reorientation process.

There was a time when seeing a policeman brought a feeling of relief and a sense of protection, knowing that those who might assault or steal would be kept at bay.

That was before officers were tasked with interrogating citizens for Facebook posts supporting Freedom Convoys and tweets criticizing gender reassignment surgery for minors or misgendering others (and searching the internet to find those posts).

Officers from violent crime divisions who are reassigned to monitor citizens for violating government rules and regulations are not being replaced, leading to a dramatic lack of resources to protect the citizenry … according to the BBC:

“Over the past four years, rape prosecutions in England and Wales have fallen by 70% [despite] the highest recorded annual figure [of rape reports] to date … In the year to September 2021, just 1.3% of rape cases recorded by police resulted in a suspect being charged (or receiving a summons) ... an even smaller proportion lead to a conviction …”

The BBC report does not mention how many rapes are not even reported because the victims know the low chances of prosecution. If the unreported rate is similar to the 77 percent of rapes and sexual assaults that go unre­por­ted in the US according to the DOJ, the 1.3% prosecution rate for reported rapes drops to a 0.3% prosecution rate for all rapes.

Turning to the US, we reported on the FBI's turning the other way when presented with evidence of former team doctor Larry Nassar's sexual abuse of Olympic athletes, allowing him to abuse an additional 90 women.

[T]he FBI received credible complaints in July 2015 of Nassar’s sexual assaults and was then able to immediately end Nassar’s predation.

However, the FBI was grossly derelict in their duties by declining to interview gymnasts who were willing to talk about the abuse. As a result, Nassar continued his predatory behavior, sexually assaulting approximately 90 young women and children [after the July 2015 reports to the FBI].

Gold medalist McKayla Maroney testified before the Senate about how it felt to have FBI agents completely uninterested in stopping a serial rapist.

She recalled sitting on her bedroom floor in 2015 telling the FBI on the phone "all of my molestations in extreme detail. . . . I cried, and there was just silence" on the part of the FBI agent. She said the FBI then falsified her statement [to downplay the molestation].

Fellow Gold medalist Aly Raisman accused the FBI of “serving innocent children up to a pedophile, on a silver platter. . . . [The FBI] made me feel my abuse didn't count. [An FBI agent was] trying to convince me that it wasn't that bad.”

When the DOJ nonetheless decided that no charges will be brought against the FBI agents who disregarded the sexual abuse accusations by America’s top gymnasts, Maroney accused both agencies of betrayal.

My fellow survivors and I were betrayed by every institution that was supposed to protect us — the US Olympic Committee, USA Gymnastics, the FBI and now the Department of Justice. I had some hope that they would keep their word and hold the FBI accountable. It is clear that the only path to justice and healing is through the legal process.

Feminists, though, have not opposed the reallocation of police resources to monitor misgendering and other such “hate speech”.

Biological males terrorizing female inmates

Women's prisons are filled with females who felt powerless to refuse their male partners' demands to carry drugs (as a so called “mule”), facing homelessness if they didn't agree as they lacked any independent source of income. Instead of passing sentencing reform to prevent these women, who do not themselves receive the profits of the drug sales, from spending up to a decade or more in jail, the government is putting biological male rapists in their wards. One such case is straight out of the you-can't-make-this-up book.

A Canadian man who raped a 3-month-old baby is now in a women's prison and being housed alongside a mother-baby unit after identifying as transgender. Female inmates say Adam Laboucan has been leering at the infants in the unit.

The Daily Mail covered the fear such placements have put in female inmates.

Tomiekia Johnson, 43, a former highway patrol officer who was jailed for 50 years for murdering her abusive husband, is among five prisoners suing over a California law that gives trans inmates the right to choose either men's or women's facilities.

Thanks to that law, Johnson in court papers describes sharing the block with a 'gigantic, tall, physically scary-looking, non-feminine, bizarre, creepy' trans inmate at Central California Women's Facility, in Chowchilla. 

Unfortunately, these fears turn out to be justified.

In May, a trans inmate took a woman detainee into a portable toilet in the yard and raped her, while another kept lookout, she claims. The perpetrator then threatened to rape others. Nowadays, she suffers panic attacks.

'It is not bigoted to ask for sex-separated facilities when I am changing, showering, sleeping, and using the toilet,' [Johnson] says in testimony. 'We have a right to insist on accommodations that give some privacy and dignity.'

Across the US, other high-profile cases include Ramel Blount, a trans male-to-female detainee at Rikers Island who goes by the name Diamond Blount, who in February raped an unsuspecting woman prisoner after she finished showering in the women's section of the violence-plagued New York facility.

A trans convict in Illinois, Janiah Monroe, formerly Andre Patterson, was accused of raping several women inmates in a female prison. Demi Minor, a trans woman jailed for murdering her foster father, got two women inmates pregnant in a New Jersey women's prison this year. 

Nonetheless, the approvals of biological male prisoners' requests to move to women's prisons continue.

In California, natal male detainees need only 'self-identify' as women to request transfers, and do not need to be taking hormones or get surgery. Most keep their male genitalia, some even sport beards.

As of October, the state's 96,000-strong prison population had 1,630 trans inmates, including 334 male-to-female transitioners who'd asked to switch to women's prisons; 43 requests were approved, 17 were denied, others are under review.

For federal institutions, the Biden administration in January restored Obama-era guidelines to allow for 'placements that align with an inmate's gender identity' — a policy that had been rescinded by the Trump administration in 2018.

Biological men taking women's awards 

The New York Post reported on the irony of the Biden administration's decision to honor a biological male, Alba Rueda, specifically on the day set aside for women, giving Rueda the International Women of Courage Award that otherwise could have gone to a biological woman.

Critics accused the White House of “diminishing” women by honoring a biological man on International Women’s Day.

One woman who disagrees with the White House move is Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Another tweeted how the White House promotes the Marxist agenda for families more aggressively than the current Russian government.

Biological men taking women's jobs 

Many governments and corporations have decided to set aside senior positions for women, only to then hire biological males. Not only do biological women lose the chance of getting those positions, but once the task — hire a woman — is ticked off, employers are less likely to hire biological women for other senior positions.  

One example is Rachel Levine, a biological male appointed as United States assistant secretary for health and as a four-star admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, who has been assailed on Twitter for claiming to have broken a glass ceiling for women.

Rachel Levine talks about breaking glass ceilings and being an inspiration to other women. A man who doesn’t have a uterus and spent the majority of his career identifying as a man, is a glass-ceiling- breaking female hero? Why is it culturally acceptable to mock womanhood?

Like Rueda, Levine had no problem accepting a woman's award that could have otherwise gone to a biological woman. Levine was named as one of USA Today's women of the year in 2022. USA Today claims to reserve the accolade for “women across the country who have made a significant impact.”

Cancelling women

When a biological woman opposes biological men infringing upon the women's world, they are attacked in an effort to “cancel” them from the public sphere, even if they themselves have long identified as feminists.

See our previous article on modern feminism:

  1. What feminists are avoiding on International Women's Day