WebMD, CVS: COVID-19 similar to cold, early treatments available


A recent tweet by WebMD promoting CVS’ Minute Clinic confirms that COVID-19 symptoms are similar to those of the common cold and flu.  

“#COVID, a cold and the #flu can cause similar symptoms but require different treatment approaches. If you experience symptoms, @MinuteClinic board-certified providers can evaluate your condition and recommend an appropriate treatment plan: https://minuteclinic.com.” 

The tweet appeared above an “Ask the Expert” video short by CVS Minute Clinic featuring a nurse practitioner named Debra LaTorre. 

“Did you know while influenza, COVID-19 and the common cold have similar symptoms, each requires a different approach for treatment? Evaluation by a Minute Clinic practitioner, combined with rapid flue [sic] and COVID-19 testing, can confirm a diagnosis and put you on the path to recovery.” 

LaTorre then says an antiviral can help as early treatment. 

“If you test positive with the flu and are within 48 hours of onset, you may be prescribed an antiviral to help you bounce back more quickly. Antivirals may also be prescribed when you test positive for COVID-19 and are within five days of the symptom onset and meet the eligibility criteria.” 

“These medications are proven to be effective and may help you from developing severe symptoms that require hospitalization,” LaTorre continued. “Drinking plenty of liquids, bedrest and staying at home promotes recovery and prevents spreading germs to others.” 

Notably, neither WebMD nor CVS mentioned the vaccine, which for the last two years has been a staple mention accompanying any reference to COVID-19, suggesting COVID symptoms are similar to the common cold’s regardless of vaccination status. 

The implication that COVID symptoms are mild contradicts the government-mandated narrative that the vaccine is the one bulwark standing in the way of hospitalization and death. It has become de rigueur for political figures who contract COVID-19 to thank the vaccine for saving them from severe illness and/or death from the virus. 

“This morning I tested positive for COVID,” Democratic Pennsylvania Congresswoman Madeleine Dean tweeted in March. “My symptoms are mild — similar to a seasonal cold — which I am thankful for and attribute to being three-times vaccinated. If you can — please protect yourself from this virus by getting vaccinated, even as we come out of this pandemic.” 

“Today, I tested positive for COVID-19,” Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) tweeted the same day. “I’m abiding by all public health protocols to quarantine. Grateful for 3 shots that made this a mild case, and a reminder to all who have not been vaccinated to do so ASAP.” 

When Joe Biden contracted COVID-19 the first time in July, the White House put out a statement saying, “he is fully vaccinated and twice boosted and experiencing very mild symptoms.”