Watch: The importance of nurses feeling safe to speak out

Pandemic Podcast spoke to Nurse Jenna Platt, whose professional experience has centered mainly around care for the elderly, but who is probably better known to her 26,000 Instagram followers as ‘That Nurse Who Asks Questions’.

Questioning the Government’s Coronavirus response takes a certain amount of bravery, but for members of the nursing community it takes an extra level of courage that so far has been quite rare.

However, as Jenna can no doubt attest, the number of those willing to speak up is growing significantly, and their voices are becoming harder to silence and ignore.  

Over the course of the last few months, Jenna has found that she’s unintentionally become a focal point for other nurses who share her concerns, with thousands reaching out to her.

She gained this standing initially by going on long walks to support nurses and raise awareness that it is OK to ask questions. And it could be argued that a willingness to speak out is needed more in the community Jenna has come to represent than just about anywhere else.