Watch: LAPD police force-vaccinate special-needs girls in statewide ‘Operation Homebound’ program

Video from California shows LAPD officers forcibly administering the COVID-19 vaccine three special-needs women who did not wish to submit to the COVID-19 shot, reported NWO Report.

The video depicts a special-needs woman being constrained by two officers as a third officer plunges a needle in her arm.

“I’ll be gentle, ok? I’ll be gentle,” the vaccinating officer said.

“Noooooo!” the woman screamed.

The footage is part of Los Angeles’ Operation Homebound, which the LA County Sheriff’s Department says is a “program designed to vaccinate the most underrepresented, homebound, and underserved disabled residents in our communities, including those experiencing homelessness.”

“We are administering the Johnson & Johnson (1 shot only) vaccine utilizing our deputy sheriff personnel who are certified paramedics and emergency medical technicians,” the website states. “LASD is working with local community based organizations like ‘Integrated Community Collaborative’ and ‘Disability Voices United’ to connect with LA County residents most in need, go to their residences, and provide them this life-saving opportunity.”

After forcibly injecting the woman, the officers clapped as the woman continued wailing.

Another special-needs girl is seen in a driveway trying to escape the officers with the vaccine before also being injected.

Next, the officers appeared to administer the COVID-19 to a sleeping patient with Alzheimer’s disease without her knowledge or consent.

“There you go, piece of cake. It’s okay hon, we just gave you a vaccination, that’s all,” the female officer said as the woman began to wake up.