Watch Dr. Peter Breggin's inspired Truth over Fear presentation

On Friday April 30, 2021, Dr. Breggin was scheduled to have a live Q&A following this one hour pre-recorded talk about COVID-19 and the Global Predators.  "Instead, the predators intervened and they pulled the plug on the entire marvelous three-day conference minutes before I spoke.  The conference, Truth over Fear, is produced by Patrick Coffin, whom we much admire.  

"With amazing resilience, Patrick put up the conference again on Friday May 7th through May 9th to an increased audience of over 50,000 people.  Patrick is a model of how we must fight for our free speech rights and create our own institutions and platforms."

This inspired talk by Dr. Breggin is one of 40 talks given at the conference, many by friends of Peter and Ginger and leaders in rising about COVID-19 to save America, including physicians Peter McCullough, "Zev" Zelenko and Elizabeth Lee Vliet.  We urge you to listen to as much of the conference as you can at

Peter and Ginger Breggin’s book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators, can be ordered in advance of publication through  As a bonus, the purchaser will immediately be emailed the 400 page manuscript with its 800 citations so that you can have all the information before the print book arrives, probably in July.