Watch: Does freedom end where public health begins?

Freedom does indeed end where public health begins, attorney Rabbi Yitzchak Dovid Smith told America’s Frontline News correspondent Yudi Sherman last week. The two sat down to discuss the irony displayed by those who cry "my body, my choice” while also supporting forced vaccinations. 

The reason, he says, is because public health is not freedom. 

“Ironically, the statement is true,” explained the author and educator. “Because public health by definition is something that’s against freedom." Public health involves moving the population towards specific statistical outcomes through government control. 

“If you’re going to authorize the government to take care of you on an emergency basis, then you are saying that in an emergency you don’t have any freedoms. There is no alternative. You can’t say you want public health and you want freedom at the same time.” 

Rabbi Smith, who is also a constitutional lawyer, explained that “there is no constitutional basis for public health.” 

“The founders of this country realized that the king – or whoever wants to be the king – can use all kinds of excuses to accomplish his objectives,” said Rabbi Smith. And it will always happen in an emergency, he added. 

“There has to be an emergency to get people to want to surrender their power to somebody else.” 

The Chabad-Lubavitch emissary had some unorthodox advice for dealing with those who are pro-vaccine mandates and at the same time claim to support bodily autonomy. 


Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith became a Rabbi to learn the truth and teach the truth. He became a lawyer to help others speak the truth. He studied molecular biology, virology and infectious diseases at the University of California at Berkeley, and he knows the truth. You may have heard of him as the lawyer for Rabbi Dr. Yosef Glassman who is fighting to stop euthanasia in New Jersey ( You may have seen his letter showing the false information that was used by the public health officials to bully the rabbis into closing synagogues and yeshivas ( And, now you can see and hear him for yourself. 

Rabbi Smith is married and the father of nine children.  He lives in New Jersey.