Watch: Defeat the Mandates - Latest in string of global protests

Thousands of Americans flooded Washington, D.C. on Sunday for the Defeat the Mandates rally to protest the COVID-19 mandates imposed by the Biden administration, including mandated vaccinations and isolations. The rally was held at the Lincoln Memorial and attended by notable medical experts such as Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone, who have been vilified by the mainstream media for their opposition to Biden’s harsh COVID-19 regulations. The rally also featured popular figures like journalist Lara Logan, JP Sears and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

It was emphasized that the rally was not against vaccines, but against vaccine mandates.

“Now, there’s not a single person here who is against the broad use of vaccines as we use them in our clinical practice,” McCullough said. “We have a circle of medical freedom. You have the freedom, you and you alone have the autonomy over your body.”

The rally also featured religious leaders who spoke of the religious freedom to choose to be vaccinated or not. 

“The Talmud, which is the source of Jewish law, values wisdom over popularity,” said Rabbi Zev Epstein, a Jewish teacher and author, in his remarks. “So it’s horrifying for me, a student of the Talmud, to see that in America today a community of tens of thousands of doctors and scientists who are questioning or disagreeing with the popular belief are being dismissed...”

The rally was the latest in a string of protests that are springing up across the globe. Also on Sunday, a convoy of truckers began their trek from Vancouver to Ottowa in protest of the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s vaccine mandate. The mandate, which took effect on January 15, requires anyone entering Canada from the U.S. to be vaccinated, which would affect 32,000, or 20% of all Canadian and American cross-border truck drivers. The Freedom Convoy 2022 has already raised $2.2 million via GoFundMe for the cause.

In Brussels, police used tear gas and water cannons against a crowd of over 50,000 protesters who had come to rally on Sunday against the mandatory vaccinations being imposed by the government.

“We know what it means to feel free,” one Russian-American immigrant reportedly said at the Defeat the Mandates rally. “And we know what it feels not to be free. That’s why we’re here.” She went on to say that the right to choose what to put in one’s own body is “one of the freedoms taken away. Before you know it, all of them are gone.”

Another rally attendee had been turned away from buying a hamburger because he wasn’t vaccinated. “All I know is that if I don’t try to do something, I think later on in my life I’d probably be regretting not having stand up and do something,” he said. 

00:00:00 - Hi-Rez and Jimmy Levy
00:11:35 - JP Sears
00:22:25 - "Star-Spangled Banner" - Jimmy Levy
00:24:40 - Kevin Jenkins
00:32:13 - The Physicians 
01:12:20 - Dr. Robert Malone
01:28:25 - "Silent War" - Five Times August
01:35:09 - Dr. Joel Wallskog
01:41:23 - "Silence" - April Malina
01:45:17 - Kyle Warner (reAct 19)
01:55:02 - Steve Kirsch
02:05:33 - Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
02:34:04 - Dr. Tess Lawrie 
02:37:49 - Rizza Islam
02:47:47 - Rabbi Zev Epstein
02:54:05 - Dr. Aaron Lewis
03:00:43 - Dr. Christina Parks
03:06:00 - Will Witt
03:09:27 - Trahern Crews
03:12:09 - Tyler Fischer
03:14:15 - First Responders
03:19:51 - Del Bigtree