HOLD Washington Post lies about doxxing Libs of TikTok creator

The Washington Post made a false claim recently about the Libs of TikTok scandal, saying that its reporter did not dox the Twitter account’s owner. 

On Tuesday, WaPo reporter Taylor Lorenz revealed the identity of the owner of the popular Twitter account Libs of TikTok. The account simply re-posts videos of Leftists that they themselves have posted to social media, without doctoring the footage, and has gained a large following due to the shocking and absurd content of the videos.  

Since the account was created in November 2020, the account has amassed over 600,000 followers. The owner has made a point of remaining anonymous for the last year-and-a-half out of safety concerns, knowing that she would be targeted if her identity were known. 

Ironically, Lorenz herself had cried to MSNBC last month about her and her family being subjected to “harassment” online, breaking down in tears. In another video posted to TikTok, Lorenz said the media need “a wake up call” and to not dox private citizens. 

Now, Lorenz has publicized the creator’s identity after an intense investigation into the woman’s personal life. The article in the Washington Post linked to the woman’s home address, employer and real estate license. 

But the Washington Post says it simply didn’t happen. 

According to Fox News reporter Joseph Wulfsohn, WaPo said they "did not publish or link to any details about her personal life." 

The Left-wing publication removed the links after intense backlash. 

But now that her identity has been revealed, there has been chatter among Left-wing terror group Antifa members suggesting that that they will be hunting the account creator.  

But the Libs of TikTok owner, who is currently in hiding, has assured her followers she is in a safe place and will not be intimidated. 

“Words cannot express how appreciative I am of the support I’m receiving right now,” she wrote. “Thankfully I’m currently holed up in a safe location. I’m confident we will get through this and come out even stronger. Grateful for all the thoughts and prayers.” 

In February, she told the New York Post the purpose of the account.

“With me, they have a place to reach out to to get the message out,” the Libs of Tik Tok creator said. “I feel like there are so many small stories that are so important that aren’t getting out — and that’s what I’m here for. It sometimes feels like a mini Project Veritas.”

“…I think these people are so broken,” she added. “The people on the left who all day call people Nazis and white supremacists are so broken. All the left-wing media are brainwashing people.”

“Taylor Lorenz is a terrible journalist and worse human. Targeting a Twitter account that literally just posts Leftists owning themselves because that account damages the Left is pure Lorenz,” tweeted Ben Shapiro. 

“It takes a special kind of psychopath to cry on television over internet harassment and then dox the woman behind an anonymous Twitter account less than two weeks later,” wrote political commentator Greg Price. 

Other words of support have been pouring in, including political figures such as Congressman Matt Gaetz and Fox News host Tucker Carlson.