VP nominee JD Vance - Big Tech, with CCP ties, works with the FBI to censor the American people

Who is injured by censorship?

Late last month, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Big Tech regarding White House censorship. The plaintiffs, led by the attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri, accused the White House of "improperly colluding with Big Tech companies to censor social media posts deemed “misinformation” about the COVID-19 pandemic and other topics." They argued that "the Biden administration used its vast regulatory authority to trample on the First Amendment" when it asked the media companies to remove "offending material," as Ryan King reported for the New York Post. The administration claimed it was "merely exercising the federal government’s own free speech rights in advising about a public health emergency."

In the 6-3 decision, the justice's majority opinion held that the plaintiffs had no standing, meaning that they failed to show that these actions provided a substantial risk of injury in the near future that could be traced to a government defendant and could be redressed by the injunction they are asking for.

It could be argued, though, that perhaps all Americans have standing when the government coerces social media companies to restrict posts it doesn't agree with. Consider the speech Trump's pick for VP,  Senator JD Vance, gave a year ago about Big Tech colluding with the federal government to censor speech and prevent the debates Americans need to have. Using school closures during the pandemic as an example, he explained that such censorship has a human cost. Kids locked out of school suffered from lack of learning, lack of socialization, and increased depression:

First of all let's appreciate the human cost of Big Tech censorship we now know that millions of American school children were locked out of their schools in a way that harmed their socialization, that increased depression among our young people, and we weren't having the proper debate about what we were doing to our kids because big Tech was colluding with the federal government and making it impossible to have that debate that at human costs it harmed our children.

U.S. media affiliated with China, does its bidding

Vance's second point was about the need to clarify what is realistically a threat to U.S. democracy. He noted that in Washington, D.C. one often hears concern about preserving "Our Democracy," but wondered which is more of a true threat - the possible election in 2024 of someone that mainstream media doesn't like or Big Tech with financial interests in China working with the FBI to censor the American people. One he said showed democracy at work and the other represented a true threat to "our democracy," as you can hear in the clip below:

You hear a lot in this in this town [Washington, D.C.], you hear a lot criticisms and concerns about capital O, capital D, "Our Democracy." People in this town are obsessed with the idea that our democracy is under threat because people might vote for a president in 2024 that others don't like. Well, let me ask you a question: What's a bigger threat to our democracy — Is it the people of Ohio or Missouri or Tennessee voting for a president that members of the mainstream media don't like or is it technology companies with financial interests in communist China working with our own FBI to censor the American people?

U.S. media kowtows to China

Chinascope has written about major media's financial ties to and presence as a media outlet in China, stating that they effectively become defenders and disseminators of CCP propaganda, careful not to do anything that would threaten their market share in China. As such, they effectively become censors of speech and a hidden worldwide force for China.

Helen Raleigh, Asian American writer and senior contributor at The Federalist, said, “You often see representatives from American companies with financial ties to China naturally become defenders of the CCP’s policies while they also spread the CCP’s propaganda.”
Among those American companies, many of them are mainstream media companies. Flora Chang, professor of the Graduate Institute of Journalism, National Taiwan University, has said: “These media outlets and advertisers may want to enter the Chinese market or worry that their market share in China will be threatened. As a result, they impose certain influence and censorship on freedom of speech, and eventually have formed a hidden red force worldwide.”

CNN, as a subsidiary of Warner Media, is one of the American media outlets with business interests in China

Driven by huge market and business interests in China, some American media outlets have chosen to bow to the CCP. CNN is owned and operated by Warner Media. It is known that Warner Bros., a subsidiary of Warner Media, has been kowtowing to the CCP. Inevitably, the temptation of the Chinese market has played a big role in its decision making.

Other media with strong financial ties to China, that Chanascope reported on, are CBS, Washington Post, MSNBC, NBC News, and even Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's media giant Bloomberg LP are heavily invested in China.

Marco Rubio calls on media outlets to sever ties with China Daily

In early March 2024 Senator Marco Rubio, as Jamie Joseph reported for Fox News, called on several media companies to sever ties with China Daily, the CCP-owned and operated English Language newspaper.

The CCP’s efforts to infiltrate American institutions are extensive, and news outlets are not immune to these ventures. China Daily is one of the CCP’s leading organs to subvert U.S. news media by amplifying the goals and ambitions of the party," Rubio wrote Monday to The Seattle Times, the Houston Chronicle, The Boston Globe, the Los Angeles Times, Time, USA Today, the Financial Times, the Sun Sentinel, and the Chicago Tribune.

Freedom House offers additional information about Beijing's media influence in the U.S.

Right to debate in today's "Town Square"

Vance continued, again emphasizing the right of Americans to have open debate and described social media as the 21st Century version of the Town Square.

One of those things is a threat to our democracy, the other is an enforcement and a reinforcement of it. So let's let's talk honestly about what's at stake here. Do we have the right to participate in the debate in our own country? Do the American people have the right to participate in the 21st century Town Square? Because all of us know that social media is the locus of so many of the debates that happened in our country. That's what's really at stake here — whether we have a real constitutional republic or whether we have a speech and debate system that's controlled by some of the most pernicious actors in our society. I think the answer is very obvious here.

Vance finished his thoughts with the following on partisan politics:

I really believe, as partisan as things are, that if the shoe was on the other foot, that if the FBI was telling Facebook and Google and other entities to censor Democratic viewpoints, we would be up here saying this is a travesty and it's a threat to the First Amendment. Why aren't they doing the same thing?

Media removes Ramaswamy as presidential candidate

One year later, it is evident that debate in the U.S. is still being stifled. It's not only due to the Supreme Court's ruling, but also because partisan politics continues to infect mainstream media.

Big Tech has been hard at work censoring the presidential candidates, blocking Joe Biden's opponents 162 times to his 7, the New American wrote in December 2023. Big Tech effectively knocked Vivek Ramaswamy out of the race. Reporter Selwyn Duke quoted "liberal researcher" Dr. Robert Epstein who, regarding the 2020 presidential election, said that Big Tech is probably shifting about 15 million votes without anyone's awareness and without a paper trail, saying that,

We now have a government by Big Tech, of Big Tech, and for Big Tech.

Big Tech effectively knocked entrepreneur and GOP candidate Vivek Ramaswamy out of the presidential race by,

"not showing Ramaswamy’s campaign website on the first page of its search results, Google’s artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot Bard left him off its list when MRC researchers asked it to rank the 2024 presidential candidates.”
This is striking deception, rising to the level of a lie by omission. Perhaps the most relevant search result when investigating a candidate is his campaign website. Relegating Ramaswamy’s site to a lower page, knowing that a good percentage of users won’t go beyond the first one, would be an obvious attempt to damage his candidacy.

Media misinforms about assassination attempt on former President Trump

Big Tech initially ignored the facts of the assignation attempt on former-President Trump. AFLDS founder Dr. Simone Gold was in New York's Time Square when the assassination attempt occurred. As she shows in her tweet, below, not one of the video monitors around her showed what was happening.

Not a single video monitor reporting that President Trump has been shot.
The depth of the censorship and propaganda is astounding.

Dr. Gold lambasted the media for its misleading reports on the assassinations attempt, in her email newsletter following the incident, stating:

Why wouldn’t the media report on such a sensational story? This type of content is their bread and butter - their raison d’etre. In similar situations, we would have seen endless replays and soundbites with reporters analyzing every second of footage. Instead - complete silence - zero coverage.
This is an astounding example of sequential censorship followed by propaganda. First words, images, and ideas were suppressed. Then talking points were disseminated for reporters to give the people inaccurate information to impose personal, political, or moral values on others. Look at what legacy media published:
CNN: “Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally”
Washington Post: “Trump escorted away after loud noises at rally”
USA Today: “Trump removed from stage by Secret Service after loud noises startles former president, crowd”
This messaging was meant to diminish and minimize the truth that a shooter attempted to assassinate President Trump.
Instapundit captured CNN's report on the assassination attempt

Look at which legacy media published the stories

to understand why they "meant to diminish the truth"

CNN, Washington Post, and USA Today, the legacy media Dr. Gold named, all have strong ties to China, as shown above. They all beat to the same drum.

Americans deserve the truth and the ability to have important conversations and debate. U.S. citizens expect the constitution to be upheld, not Big Tech and Chinese interests.

Vance was not wrong to be concerned about Chinese influence in U.S. media and on our choice of president. Perhaps all U.S. citizens have standing against Big Tech and government censorship influencing our elections.

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