Vermont public school removes gender in 5th grade sex education

A public school in Vermont’s Essex Westford School District (EWSD) is erasing gender as part of its “gender-inclusion” program in 5th grade sex education curricula.

In a letter dated April 20th Founders Memorial School Principal Sara Jablonski sent a letter to parents notifying them of the upcoming course which will focus on puberty and reproductive systems. The course is interactive and includes student discussion groups and “private reflection time” along with “three interview opportunities coming home throughout the unit.”

Jablonski also notified parents of the school’s newspeak revision.

“In an effort to align our curriculum with our equity policy, teachers will be using gender inclusive language throughout this unit. With any differences, we strive to use ‘person-first’ language as best practice,” wrote Jablonski.

Instead of saying the word “boy” teachers will use the phrase “person who produces sperm”. Instead of saying the word “girl” teachers will use the phrase “person who produces eggs”.

If parents are interested in reviewing the teaching material, they can view a hard copy in the school’s main office, though it is not available to the general public.

Jablonski did not respond to a Frontline News request for comment regarding how many fifth grade children at the school think they are anything other than a boy or girl. She also did not explain her decision not to consult with parents first.

In a statement defending the decision, Essex Westford School District Board Chair Robert Carpenter said the newspeak has been approved by Vermont’s Agency of Education and made clear that there will be little tolerance for opposition.

“The EWSD continues to utilize the same AOE approved standards with language updates in alignment with the Vermont Agency Education recommendations. Per the EWSD Equity Policy, we remain committed to utilizing inclusive language and practices to ensure all students grow and thrive,” said Carpenter. 

“We also strive to model kindness, respect, and civility to our students. As we engage with transparency with our community, the Board will not tolerate vitriol, hateful or threatening language, or other mistreatment of our staff. As a board, we fully stand behind our educators, administrators, and their work ensuring academic excellence in adherence to state standards.”

The course is part of the district’s larger health program for grades K–8 called “The Great Body Shop” which EWSD Superintendent Beth Cobb says “will not associate puberty with any gender”.

“The Great Body Shop guides our instruction in puberty/growth and development,” said Cobb. “The program helps us ensure that our instruction and methods are inclusive of all students in our schools. This means that the instruction will not associate puberty with any identified gender but rather be clear about the differences in bodies and how that changes the experiences of puberty. This is designed to be LGBTQIA+ affirming, and a guide to supporting all students in understanding their own bodies without separating students by identified gender.”