Vaccine victims with no voice (Vol. 27)

On December 11, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer-BioNTech.  

While the pharma companies and medical authorities have profited from every injection, the shots have injured countless people irreparably and destroyed the lives they knew.      

The media will not give voice to these injured whose ranks grow daily.      

Here we share some of their stories, in cooperation with RealNotRare

Creagh Boone

36-year-old Creagh Boone was living a “full and vibrant” life with her three children — including a newborn — before she took the Pfizer vaccine in May 2021.

The symptoms began immediately: her mouth tasted metallic and her heart began racing. The attendant said this was normal and sent Creagh home. Over the next 24 hours she suffered nausea, diarrhea, chest pains, anal bleeding and spotting. On an errand with her husband, paramedics were called because she began feeling lightheaded and her heart was racing. Medical responders said she was fine, aside from elevated blood pressure.

But the symptoms continued and intensified. She began bloating and felt pain in her side. She developed tinnitus, along with tingling and numbness in her leg. She experienced fatigue, brain fog, ear pressure, tachycardia, blurry vision and a host of other adverse reactions, including sudden food sensitivities.

“Since receiving my vaccine, my life is not my own anymore,” Creagh said. “It consists of managing debilitating symptoms daily. I have had to refer all of my clients out and abandon my [mental health counseling] practice. I cannot be the active mother and woman I once was. I have to lay down with my baby when she naps throughout the day just so I can have enough energy to make it through the next few hours before I get another break to rest.”

She has to struggle to open jars and bottles due to her joint pain, and she often finds herself stopping in mid-sentence due to her brain fog.

“I do not feel alive, I feel as though I am just barely living.”

Alyssa Longe

Alyssa Longe was a young mother and wife focused on building a family. She loved cooking, traveling and teaching special education.

But in April 2021 Alyssa received her second Pfizer shot, and life as she knew it ended. Almost immediately she felt pain in her leg, which was followed by numbness in her hands and feet, pins and needles, muscle weakness and spasms, extreme panic attacks, tinnitus and locking joints.

“After the vaccine everything changed,” Alyssa shared. “I went from being a vibrant young woman to crying every single day. My life is filled with doctors appointments, blood testing, alternative therapies, and imaging now. Some days I was so weak I could barely care for my daughter. I’m no longer the wife or mother I once was. I feel like a shell of the person I use to be.”

Bobby Dalheim

30-year-old Bobby Dalheim was recently married, a drummer in a metal band, and an editor by trade. “Everything was good,” he said.

Bobby received a Moderna shot in early September 2021. Three days later he began feeling chest pain and shortness of breath. Tests came back normal but after a few days the reactions intensified. He started feeling his heart pounding in his chest, a condition that has kept him up at night. A cardiologist suggested he was suffering from myocarditis, but was not certain. 

“I feel bad for my great wife who has to put up with my sadness,” Bobby said, explaining that he has had to give up drumming, exercising, and sleeping soundly. “This is the hardest test of my life. This makes every other thing I thought was hard look like a complete joke. I hope I get better but it doesn't feel that I am. Every single day is extremely tough. There is a chance this thing kills me. I feel very overwhelmed.”

Bobby said he “knew the risk” before he took the shot, but was forced to by his job. 

“I should have stayed true to my beliefs. If you're young and healthy, I would advise against the vax. I'd give anything to go back in time.”

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