Vaccine victims with no voice (Vol. 26)

On December 11, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer-BioNTech.  

While the pharma companies and medical authorities have profited from every injection, the shots have injured countless people irreparably and destroyed the lives they knew.      

The media will not give voice to these injured whose ranks grow daily.      

Here we share some of their stories, in cooperation with RealNotRare

Lauren Majak

Lauren Majak says she was “living life to the fullest” until January 26, 2021 when she received the Moderna injection for COVID-19. 

Within minutes, she tasted metal and her mouth tingled and went numb. The pharmacist assured her it was normal and sent her home. While driving, Lauren’s pulse started quickening and she felt an impending sense of doom. When she arrived home she tried to sleep it off but her blood pressure was elevated and she experienced tachycardia, fever, headaches and extreme tingling throughout her body.

Things only worsened from there and Lauren experienced rapid weight loss. At one point, she lost ten pounds in less than a week. This was accompanied by hand tremors, vertigo, fatigue, extreme weakness, and other symptoms . 

In May, Lauren stood up out of bed. She felt the room spin and lost sensation in her legs. For the next few months, the young mother remained bedridden and was unable to work as a radiology technician. Her husband was forced to take off work to look after their little boy.

Daniela-Ioana Alexa

While Daniela-Ioana Alexa had some health issues in the past, they were problems she could handle. But minutes after her first Pfizer does in June 2021, Daniela-Ioana’s vision blurred. She began shaking. Her hand exploded in pain. She felt dizzy, imbalanced, and numb. She developed insomnia, anxiety attacks, tremors and other symptoms which persisted for months.

Daniela-Ioana says she stayed strong for five months but then began losing the battle. “Only my faith and God keeps me going,” she says.

“It’s hard every day - you don't know how you will wake up or if you will ever wake up,” Daniela-Ioana adds. “Sometimes I am tired of being strong but I have to keep going despite.”

Charlet Crichton

As an entrepreneuse and mother of two sons, Charlet Crichton led an active life. She walked several hours a day and enjoyed exercising at the gym.

But that changed after she received her second AstraZeneca injection in May 2021. Ten days later, she awoke with numb hands and feet, dizziness and electrical feeling throughout her body. These intensified over the next few months and were accompanied by tremors, nausea, weight loss, vertigo, blurred vision, bleeding gums, limb weakness, muscle spasms and other symptoms. She could no longer stand for extended periods without blood pooling in her hands and feet, causing dizziness and tachycardia. 

Most days Charlet is in bed by 6 PM. She no longer exercises and is forced to complete all tasks within 10-15 minute periods.  

“I can accept that I had a reaction to a vaccine, all things come with a risk,” says Charlet. “What I refuse to accept is the lack of compassion, gaslighting and negligence that I have been subject to since I became ill.”

“I believe that others need to know there are risks to these vaccines and that if you do have a reaction, no one's going to be in a hurry to help you or even acknowledge you.”

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