Vaccine victims with no voice (Vol. 25)

On December 11, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer-BioNTech.  

While the pharma companies and medical authorities have profited from every injection, the shots have injured countless people irreparably and destroyed the lives they knew.      

The media will not give voice to these injured whose ranks grow daily.      

Here we share some of their stories, in cooperation with RealNotRare

William Abshire

William Abshire, or “Tony”, as he is known, had no intention of taking the COVID-19 vaccine. But the pressure eventually got to him, and he felt he was putting his elderly mother and his clients at risk.

In May 2021, Tony received his second Moderna shot. Five days later, he was driving with his wife and mother when he felt a painful knot at the back of his neck. The pain intensified, and he only felt relief if he brought his head down until he could no longer see the road. He pulled over so his wife could drive instead, and when he tried to open the passenger door his right arm would not move.

They drove to a clinic where tests came back negative and Tony was told he might be having a stroke. The hospital ran more tests, all of which showed nothing out of the ordinary. He was told he needed an MRI, but as his insurance would not cover it, Tony bought one himself.

After that, Tony was diagnosed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome. The chief of the neurology department, who was due to retire in just two months, told Tony he was likely suffering an autoimmune response to the Moderna shots.

Aside from partial paralysis, Tony also feels joint pain, difficulty breathing, neuropathy, tinnitus, anxiety and depression. He cries frequently and feels trapped in his own body.

“This vaccine has aged me,” said Tony. “I feel old like I’ve aged 15 years.”

“I’ve worked my whole life to be able to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Instead, I’m financially bankrupt and in medical debt that l will pay on till I die. Sadly, I have no recourse yet these companies are profiting billions off my misery,” he added.

“This vaccine has ruined me and stolen my dreams and what my wife and I’ve worked for!”

Jennifer Furno

Aside from thyroid disease, 35-year-old Jennifer Furno says she was happy and healthy. But after two AstraZeneca shots and a Moderna booster in November 2021, Jennifer developed granulomatosis with polyangiitis, a rare condition in which the blood cells in the nose, sinuses, throat, lungs, and kidneys become inflamed. Blood flow to organs can slow.

Jennifer also developed joint pain, rashes, fatigue and numbness. She went through several tests and has turned to more natural remedies: vitamins C and D, NAC, mung bean, turmeric, and quercetin.

“Push hard with medical professionals for a diagnosis,” Jennifer advises.

Karen Taylor

Karen Taylor was against taking the COVID-19 shots. She felt they had been rushed through, and besides, she was running half-marathons and was very active. But ultimately, she “gave in to peer pressure” and, in March 2021, took the Johnson & Johnson injection. 

Exactly 12 hours later, Karen says, she began to feel ill. She developed chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness and headaches. Her oxygen levels fluctuate daily — at times they have dropped to as low as 67%. 

“I’ve been blown off by more doctors than I can count,” Karen said. “I’ve also been called crazy and offered a psychiatric consult. I feel let down by the entire medical community.”

She needs oxygen but her insurance refuses to cover it without a “common diagnosis.” 

“I still can’t walk to the mailbox. I can’t participate in any physical activities anymore, and no one knows why.”

“I feel like a prisoner in my own body,” Karen said.

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