Vaccine victims with no voice (Vol. 23)

On December 11, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer-BioNTech.  

While the pharma companies and medical authorities have profited from every injection, the shots have injured countless people irreparably and destroyed the lives they knew.      

The media will not give voice to these injured whose ranks grow daily.      

Here we share some of their stories.

Tanya Cullain

46-year-old Tanya Cullain says she is dying alive.

The mother of two was working as a registered nurse in Canada when the vaccine was mandated and on May 4, 2021, she received her first Pfizer injection. She soon developed acute hypertension and tachycardia, which did not improve with medication.

As required, Tanya received her second injection on June 12, 2021. This time, she developed joint pain and edema, a buildup of fluid that caused her extremities to swell. She begged her doctor to exempt her from the third shot, which was also mandated in Canada, but the physician refused. “It's safer for you to have it than not to,” he said.

Tanya received her third Pfizer injection on January 7, 2022 and lost consciousness in her friend’s car on the way home. She developed immediate menopause, though hormone tests showed she was not premenopausal. For the next four months, she lost sensation in her left arm.

“They have ignored me for over 2 years and I was made to feel I am crazy and guilty… I lost my job, have no income and have two teen boys who this has severely affected,” Tanya says. “[My] financial burden is insane. I had another 20 years of employment (at $100.000.00/year -I would have been able to contribute to society in the career I love.” 

“At this point I will do anything to get my life back,” she adds.

Trinna Patterson

48-year-old Trinna Patterson would not have taken the injection if it weren’

t for the mandate. But after being told she would lose her job as a pharmaceutical representative and her bonus, she received the Janssen/J&J vaccine in November 2021.

That day, Trinna suffered a headache that could not be cured with Advil. It got progressively worse until she was bedridden and dysfunctional a week later. Her doctor prescribed her steroids and migraine medication, which gave her no relief. She saw a neurologist in February, who told her that according to an MRI result, she had the brain of a 72-year-old. 

More than a year later, Trinna was diagnosed with vaccine induced vasculitis/encephalitis, inflammation in the brain.

“This should have never been mandated to keep a job when they knew it wasn’t safe,” says Trinna.

Christine Asher

41-year-old Christine Asher felt fine after her first Pfizer injection in February 2021. But within ten minutes of her second, her limbs went ice cold and she felt dizzy. Confusion set in, her vision blurred, her heart started racing and she felt short of breath. When she alerted a nurse, she was told she was having a panic attack.

In the wee hours of the next morning, her heart began racing again, with more shortness of breath. Eventually, she developed inappropriate sinus tachycardia, a condition involving a resting heart rate of over 100 beats per minute. Sometimes, she says, her heart rate reached over 200. She also suffered dangerously low blood pressure at times. For nearly eight months she slept about four hours a night. This was accompanied by dry mouth, dry eyes and other neurological problems.

“Our entire life turned into a nightmare overnight, as our savings dwindled to nothing and everything went towards medical bills, we had to find help to drive our children and myself around and I had to have someone with me 24/7 because we never knew how my body was going to react,” says Christine. “Not only have I suffered but my husband, children, grandchildren and my parents have suffered as well. For almost a year we had no idea what was happening.”

“I want my life back,” she added.

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