Vaccine victims with no voice (Vol. 22)

On December 11, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer-BioNTech.  

While the pharma companies and medical authorities have profited from every injection, the shots have injured countless people irreparably and destroyed the lives they knew.      

The media will not give voice to these injured whose ranks grow daily.      

Here we share some of their stories, in cooperation with RealNotRare. 

Megan Gospe

Life was normal for 28-year-old Megan Gospe. She was exercising between four and five days a week, had no physical health problems, and was well on her way to achieving her goal of losing 50 pounds.

But on April 29, 2021, Megan received her second Pfizer injection. Shortly afterwards she developed back pain, but her employer nevertheless forced her to take another injection. So on January 11, 2022, Megan received the Pfizer booster.

Since then, Megan has been diagnosed with osteoarthritis, facet atrophy, disc problems, and spine inflammation. She started getting headaches and soft tumors developed all over her body. She began to regain weight. Her social life dwindled.

“My life changed forever and work has been hard. I’m afraid of losing my job due to all the chronic pain, absences and medical issues I am having,” says Megan. “I am scared I won’t be able to work anymore, and our country has no help or support for vaccine-injured people. I feel like no one believes me.”

Michael Walters

At 66 years old, Michael Walters was in good shape with no health issues. He was exercising three days a week and enjoying his fourth year of retirement. 

But on February 10, 2021, Michael received his second Pfizer shot because he thought “it was the right thing to do”.

Within a week, Michael began feeling severe chest pain. The hospital ran tests, including EKGs. blood work and stress tests, but all came back negative. The pain continued.

“The pain was so bad I thought of ending my life. No joke. I was depressed and having extreme chest pain, and no one could help,” says Michael. He takes painkillers, but the relief only lasts for six hours at a time.

At a recent visit, his cardiologist said he thinks Michael may have pericarditis.

“I just hope and pray the pain leaves my body, and I get better, because I don't know how much more I can take,” Michael shares.

Sharon Gosine

Sharon Gosine, 48, says she was “full of life” before she received her first Pfizer injection on May 2, 2021.

That night, Sharon says she suffered the worst headache of her life. She felt burning in her hands and feet. She became nauseous. The next day, her right foot and ankle were severely swollen. A day later, she began to suffer memory loss and confusion.

After a five-day stay in the hospital, Sharon was diagnosed with neuropathy and mild encephalitis. A week after being discharged, she started having trouble speaking and was readmitted to the hospital for nearly a week. She was diagnosed with aphasia and dysarthria.

“I have to use a cane to walk, and I can't drive. I get fatigued very easily. I have memory loss, confusion and brain fog, especially when I'm tired,” she says. 

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