Vaccine victims with no voice (Vol. 19)

On December 11, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer-BioNTech.  

While the pharma companies and medical authorities have profited from every injection, the shots have injured countless people irreparably and destroyed the lives they knew.      

The media will not give voice to these injured whose ranks grow daily.      

Here we share some of their stories, in cooperation with RealNotRare. 

Gracelyn Reeder

17-year-old Gracelyn Reeder was learning to drive and was hunting for a job when she was pressured on social media to “do her part” and take the COVID-19 injections. In June 2021 she received her second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

In March 2022 Gracelyn was walking up to her house when she inexplicably lost her breath and had to sit down next to the door. She went to bed, but woke up several times vomiting and hyperventilating, which Gracelyn’s mother chalked down to a flu bug.

The next morning, Gracelyn vomited again and couldn’t breathe. Her mother came in to find Gracelyn lying on the bed, eyes bulging from their sockets and her lips turning blue.

Gracelyn was rushed to the hospital, where doctors found several blood clots, one of them straining the right side of her heart. She was airlifted to a children’s hospital, which referred her to a Level 1 trauma center. Gracelyn began crashing and suffocating, which meant there wasn’t enough time to conduct a CT scan. Doctors performed open heart surgery and removed extremely large blood clots.

After surgery, Gracelyn was placed on life support. At some point, she suffered a stroke and began seizing. Six days later, she was stable enough to remove from life support, but the stroke had already damaged her frontal and parietal lobes.

Gracelyn is back in school but needs to relearn a lot of material she has forgotten. The memory loss and cognitive disability are causing her depression and anxiety. She is unable to drive or hold down a job.

Doctors are not sure, but some say it might have been the birth control pill Gracelyn took for two years before the incident, despite her bloodwork showing she was not prone to blood clots.

“Funny thing is, after a week of all tests coming back negative did they ask if I had gotten the covid vaccine,” says Gracelyn. “My parents told them yes but they would not explain why they asked.”

“I know I'm not alone, but many days it seems like it. I now take a blood thinner and 2 types of seizure meds along with an antidepressant and sleeping meds,” she added.

Trinna Patterson

Trinna Patterson was not going to take the COVID-19 vaccine. A healthy 48-year-old, she walked 3–6 miles a day and did Zumba several days a week. She already had COVID in December 2020. Her employer, a pharmaceutical company, assured her they would not mandate the shots.

But then that changed and the company told its employees that not only would they be fired if they did not get the injections, but they would be denied unemployment.

“I was determined to just get fired,” Trinna recalls. “However I had worked so hard to get my territory to where it was.” So on November 8, 2021, her last day to take the injections and avoid termination, Trinna broke. She received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine at 1:00 PM.

It began with a headache that started an hour after the vaccine. Trinna thought nothing of it and took Advil. But the headaches began to progress, and five days later she was unable to get out of bed.

The doctor told her it was normal for some people to get migraines for up to a week after the vaccine. But a week came and went. Her doctor administered steroids, but to no avail.

Trinna’s friend was able to get her an appointment with a neurologist, who told her that her brain had swelled and looked like it belonged to a 71-year-old. She also developed tachycardia and hypertension.

She went to several doctors and was told her symptoms would fade within 30 days; then, 60 days; then, 90 days. At one point, she was told she would definitely find relief within six to seven months.

“I’m 14 months post vaccine,” she says. “It hasn’t weaned. Looks like I was vaccinated last week. My natural antibodies keep going up. I’ve only had COVID one time. So my natural antibodies are doing what they are supposed to do. But the fake vaccine antibodies is basically causing an autoimmune reaction since it crossed the blood brain barrier. I just go day by day.”

Trinna has some advice for those under pressure to receive the shots:

Do not get it. Get fired. You will find another job. I took it to keep my job and I can barely do my job now. I don’t think anyone should have to choose between their livelihood and a rushed-to-market vaccine. If you want to get 10 boosters have at it, but each person should get to decide for themselves.

Faith Ann

18-year-old Faith Ann says she was able to exercise, work and enjoy life until she received her second Pfizer shot in June 2021. Immediately after that, she began experiencing muscle soreness which progressed into debilitating pain. She experienced sudden weight loss losing 15 pounds in a short amount of time. She has heart arrhythmia, nerve pain, chest pain, extreme dizziness, and headaches.

Faith Ann has had to quit two jobs and can no longer exercise, but doctors tell her it’s due to anxiety. She has recently begun to lose weight again, and doctors are telling her that many of her symptoms are due to the weight loss.

“I'm exhausted and angry,” she says.

In 2020 Faith Ann caught COVID-19, which she says was like “a bad flu,” and recovered well without any issues.

“People like to claim that adverse vaccine effects are ‘long COVID’, but I got the shot a year and a half after getting sick, and all my symptoms started then.”

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