Vaccine victims with no voice (Vol. 18)

On December 11, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer-BioNTech.  

While the pharma companies and medical authorities have profited from every injection, the shots have injured countless people irreparably and destroyed the lives they knew.      

The media will not give voice to these injured whose ranks grow daily.      

Here we share some of their stories, in cooperation with RealNotRare. 

Patrick William Slater, MD

Patrick William Slater, MD was an active golf player who liked to fish and hunt. He was also a neurotologic skull base surgeon, so he was required to take the COVID-19 vaccines.

As a healthcare worker, Patrick received the first Pfizer injection as soon as it was available in December 2020. The 58-year-old received the second weeks later and developed ataxia — poor muscle control which affects movement — as well as internal vibrations and moderate anxiety.

Eventually, his symptoms faded but in October 2021 he received the third shot.

“Booster ended my life,” says Patrick. This time, the ataxia was severe. He developed nightly anxiety with hypertensive crisis. Then came paranoia which, coupled with the anxiety, led Patrick to seriously contemplate suicide.

Doctors were unable to fix the problem so he turned to alcohol. Drinking helped, but not enough.

This went on for 3–4 months, at which point Patrick also developed myoclonus (involuntary muscle jerking), which went on for another 2–3 months. The medical board eventually suspended his license.

“My career has been destroyed, future is unknown. But, thank God my family is understanding and supportive.”

“These symptoms we all share were predictable,” Patrick adds. “Most doctors followed the FDA advice it was safe. What we did not know is that they only followed on 4 benign initial symptoms and specifically omitted all the others. The truth is coming out, but too late for many of us who have been destroyed by this vaccine. My opinion is that the public health experts knew about all of this and felt that they knew better and a few broken eggs was worth the risk.”

Martese McGee

48-year-old Martese McGee is a single mother of four and grandmother of one. She was always there for her kids, supported them in cheer or basketball, led an active life, and was perfectly healthy.

Then, in August 2021 she received the Moderna vaccine after her employer mandated the vaccine. After her second dose, she began experiencing cramps, muscle twitching, and had trouble swallowing food.

She went to the neurologist and, after a series of tests, was diagnosed with ALS.

“On that day, my world was shattered,” says Martese.

“Since diagnosis, I have been to several doctors for testing and treatment, but nothing has proven effective at reversing my symptoms. I’m in the early stages of the disease, and I literally feel as if I am fighting for my life. I am currently experiencing slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, weakness in my left hand, and muscle twitching. I know God is my Healer, but everyday is a real struggle. My children are the reason that I get up and continue to fight. I want to live to see my youngest children graduate high school and live out their dreams. To be completely honest, I’m angry.”

James Dawson

Before he got the injections, 49-year-old James Dawson says he was “completely pain free, vibrant and full of life!”

Within 2–3 months of his second Pfizer dose in June 2021 he began suffering pain in several joints. One morning he woke up with a knee so swollen he was unable to bend his leg. The hospital drained 140cc of fluid from his knee and he received a cortisone shot a few weeks later.

But the pain in his joints continued. His hands swelled until they looked like puffed rubber gloves. He was eventually diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and was prescribed multiple drugs, including a weekly injection of methotrexate, which makes his hair fall out.

“I am still in ongoing treatment and will likely be on meds the rest of my life, according to rheumatologist,” says James. “I have chronic and constant pain and swelling throughout my joints. Most days, my hands don’t want to work until noon, and I can barely lift my right arm above the shoulder. I have lost close to 50 pounds, need 8-10 hours of sleep and could nap for a 1/2 hour after I get up. 

“The hardest part with all of this for me is that I took the shots to keep my employment, and now as a result, it may cost me my career. I need my hands and body mobility to perform my work as an HD Mechanic.”

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