Vaccine victims with no voice (Vol. 16)

On December 11, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer-BioNTech.      

While the pharma companies and medical authorities have profited from every injection, the shots have injured countless people irreparably and destroyed the lives they knew.      

The media will not give voice to these injured whose ranks grow daily.      

Here we share some of their stories, in cooperation with RealNotRare. 

Eve Poythress

After her first Pfizer shot in February 2021, 45-year-old Eve Poythress broke out in hives and a blistering rash at the injection site.

Nevertheless, she went back for her second dose less than a month later. The next day, Eve came down with a fever and severe fatigue. She developed joint pain so excruciating she was unable to walk.

Eve says she was diagnosed with vaccine-induced Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, and her primary doctor has told her she is suffering an allergic reaction to the injections.

Still, Eve blames “long COVID” for her brain fog.

“I am also experiencing long Covid brain fog and now have issues with my attention span and completing tasks that require great detail. This is becoming an issue with work and school, because I am required to draft a lot of legal briefs and motions.”

Krissy Nusky

Krissy Nusky was a healthy 38-year-old who lifted weights, hiked and ate nutritiously until she took the COVID-19 injections because she “trusted the science”.

Immediately after her Moderna shot, Krissy tasted metal. Over the next two days her heart rate began to climb rapidly. On the third day, while on the treadmill, her feet went numb, a phenomenon which kept recurring over the next few weeks, sometimes causing her to fall over. Parts of her body also became extremely heavy — her legs became so leaden she couldn’t walk, and at one point she had to wear a neck brace to hold up her head.

Eventually, the numbness faded, only to be replaced by severe nerve pain, “deep into my bones”. She began taking low dose naltrexone, which helped.

Krissy underwent extensive tests and was first diagnosed with small fiber neuropathy. 

“I am blessed to have a job that gave me an exemption (finally), so I don’t have to take any more vaccines. My job has been patient with me and allows me to work hard but also rest when I need to. It’s been 2 years, and I’m still suffering. I miss exercise so much. I started cardiac rehab. I also have tinnitus which came back after a treatment I tried that didn’t work,” says Krissy.

More recently, Krissy was diagnosed with orthostatic hypertension, a form of low blood pressure that happens after sitting down or standing up.

Jordan Berube

22-year-old Jordan Berube says his “post-Moderna life” began after his second dose in May 2021. A week later, he felt like his “brain was frying on a skillet”.

Months later, Jordan suddenly became listless and exhausted and starting losing weight. By October he had lost his job and had to drop out of college, and by March 2022, dysautonomia, brain zaps, and complete exhaustion took over. He had to move back home and could no longer live on his own.

“By then, I could already see many of my close friends start to stray away, and by now most have, especially when I voice my story of being vaccine injured,” says Jordan.

Jordan says his main issue now is cognition. While he can still play Sudoku and other games, his memory recall has taken a dive.

I’m too young. Moderna has taken literally my entire life from me. It’s hard to accept, still makes me cry at times, and the anger is unrelenting. . . . [T]he 2 hour “hangover” when I wake up every morning is a harsh reminder of this cruel reality.

At this point, I’m not scared of dying. . . . I’m most scared of becoming wasted potential, because of a vaccine I mindlessly decided to get without questioning it. Even my gut was telling me not to do it. Sending good wishes to my fellow vaccine-injured friends.

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