Vaccine victims with no voice (Vol. 15)

On December 11, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer-BioNTech.      

While the pharma companies and medical authorities have profited from every injection, the shots have injured countless people irreparably and destroyed the lives they knew.      

The media will not give voice to these injured whose ranks grow daily.      

Here we share some of their stories, in cooperation with RealNotRare. 

Rick Goombridge 

35-year-old Rick Groombridge never had any heart issues and was fairly active. But in 2021, he was told he would need to get vaccinated with the COVID-19 injections in order to keep his job. Being the sole provider for two children, Rick got his first Pfizer dose in March and his second one in June. 

Within a few months, Rick began feeling heart palpitations. They were infrequent at first, but then began happening several times a day. 

In January 2022 Rick and his family came down with COVID. Rick shared the same symptoms as his wife and two children — who were all unvaccinated and recovered with no issues — until the day he and his wife started feeling better. 

“I woke up no longer feeling sick, stood up, and was extremely dizzy and my heart was skipping all over the place,” says Rick. “For three months, I couldn't so much as walk the length of my house without my heart jumping out of my chest, and my heartbeat was painful at all times. I was told at the hospital that ‘it's just COVID’ on multiple occasions, until they finally took it more seriously and scheduled some tests. I had a two-week Holter monitor, which did pick up on an irregular heart beat. Now I am seeing a cardiologist.” 

Leigh-Ann Dale 

43-year-old Leigh-Ann Dale was a normal mother of two teen boys and the owner of two small businesses. 

In May, Leigh-Ann got her first dose of Pfizer, but didn’t notice anything was amiss because she was tending to her son in the hospital, who himself was diagnosed with bilateral pulmonary embolisms and an infarction in his left lung from the J&J vaccine. 

A few days later, Leigh-Ann's leg was suddenly so sore she could no longer walk on it. She went to the emergency room and the hospital found a 2.5-foot blood clot in her leg. She was taken to another hospital to have it surgically removed, but halted when they found pulmonary embolisms. 

“I am now on blood thinners for life,” she says. Since then she has been hospitalized for menstrual hemorrhage twice and may have to get a hysterectomy.  

“I have lost all revenue from my cookie business and am unable to work for any length of time doing the books for our electrical business,” Leigh-Ann explains. “I have an echocardiogram, monitor, cardiology appointment, vascular surgery appointment, hematology appointment and have been referred to urology for a kidney issue.  I live broken physically and mentally everyday.” 

Leigh-Ann also says she had a hard time with hospital care. 

“No one in the hospitals care about what happens to you if you don’t have COVID,” she says. 

Christina Hopkins 

Christina Hopkins admits she had some health issues before the COVID-19 injections, but nothing prepared her for what happened after she received her AstraZeneca shot in March 2021. 

“I was able to sit and Cross-stitch all day long. Now I'm awake 3 to 4 hours, then I have to go back to bed,” shares Christina. “I was able to walk along the beach, but now can barely walk around the block due to feeling like I'm about to pass out.” 

Christina developed arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, neuropathy, loss of appetite, nausea, dizziness, rashes, brain fog, inflammation, and ovarian cyst. 

“Now I can't go out unless I am wearing a tens unit,” Christina says. “I can't go to see my family as I'm just way too tired. I'm confused so much and always have to write things down what to get from the shop. I don't really eat dinners now due to feeling sick in a bite, so I have soup. I can't lay on my right hand side due to the neurological pain that I am in.” 

Christina feels the entire medical system let her down. 

“I wish for people to know and understand the dangers of trial vaccines, and to please please not take the chance,” she adds. 

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