Vaccine victims with no voice (Vol. 13)

On December 11, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer-BioNTech. 

While the pharma companies and medical authorities have profited from every injection, the shots have injured countless people irreparably and destroyed the lives they knew.      

The media will not give voice to these injured whose ranks grow daily.      

Here we share just some of their stories. 

Clifford Tyrus 

April 12, 2021 

“Obedience is better than sacrifice (Samuel 15:22-23). Are you obedient to guidelines for the Covid vaccine?” 

November 20, 2022 

“Health update: Had a setback yesterday that temporarily halted my physical therapy. I was sent to Kaiser Harbor City for an ultrasound exam of my left leg and a blood clot was found, and I am currently undergoing treatment for that with a blood thinner (Lovenox).” 

Matthew Radspinner 

November 23, 2021 

“COVID19 Vaccine is something to be thankful for. My Dad (John Radspinner) and stepmom (Margie Shaffer-Radspinner) have contracted COVID. They are in the second week but thanks to the fact that they are FULLY VACCINATED full recovery is close. My Dad is currently in the hospital with a slight case of covid pneumonia but on track to come home soon (probably tomorrow). A quote from my Dad this morning on the phone ‘please encourage everyone to get the shot, people in the hospital are really suffering.’ The hospital is overwhelmed with COVID patients with the majority of them being unvaccinated. Mask up. Stay home. Get the shot." 

November 25, 2021 

“My sister Jody, his beautiful wife Margie and I are sad to report that my father, John Radspinner has unexpectedly, peacefully passed away last night in his sleep. John was a great Dad. a great man and a great musician.  I will share more details as we have them.” 

Daniel Steenbergh 

March 16, 2021 

“I get my second shot tomorrow at 2:15 and two day’s later heading south. Can’t wait!” 

August 12, 2021 

“I just want to let the non believers [know] that COVID is not a joke I have it and I was vaccinated and got it, my wife got and two of my friends have it. So please the people that haven’t got vaccinated go get the vaccine! I’m lucky it hasn’t been that hard but my friend is the hospital and he wasn’t. Vaccinated and on oxygen!” 

November 23, 2022 

“I wasn’t gonna put this out on Facebook but today I found out that I have a blood clot in my heart and they’re trying to get it dissolved. I just hope that people will pray for me and rid of this damn thing but I’ll be all right.” 

Mitch Grey 

December 3, 2021 

“So very unfair..... They should give out the $100.00 to those getting their booster shots because we were the first to get vaccinated and didn't wait till money was offered.... Only in American Samoa....[angry faces].” 

November 22, 2022 

“Oh Mitch Grey. Such heartbreaking news to hear of your sudden passing. Thank you for being a good, good friend. I will always cherish your friendship and the fond memories we've shared.” 

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