Vaccine victims with no voice (Vol. 12)

On December 11, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer-BioNTech. 

While the pharma companies and medical authorities have profited from every injection, the shots have injured countless people irreparably and destroyed the lives they knew.      

The media will not give voice to these injured whose ranks grow daily.      

Here we share some of their stories. 

Tj Crow 

July 22, 2021: 

“GET VACCINATED NOW….. No reason not too. Get Educated, ask for information from educated sources. Stop listening to stupid evil people on social media spreading misinformation just cause they enjoy hurting people.  They are freaks, killers and sadist.  Save your Family, Children and friends from the Pandemic.” 

March 1, 2022: 

“Day two in ICU. Dual pulmonary embolism.  Had Surgery with super vacuum catheter to get all the blood clots out three hours.   Lots of Med peeps all around.  Great people.” 

November 3, 2022: 

“Done with colonoscopy prep.  I’m soooo tired.  6 hrs before procedure. Sleep time in between running to bathroom.” 

Ashlee Caldwell Wetzel 

December 21, 2020: 

“I inject live botulism toxin into my face a few times a year, do you really think I’m worried about what is in the covid vaccine? I’ll be getting it as soon as I’m able...[laughing emoji]. #ilovebotox #sciencerocks.” 

August 5, 2021: 

“I get to [breastfeed] every three hours or so. For just a short time. This is the most bonding I get with miss Stevie right now. She’s ten days old today and I still can’t snuggle her or show her my face. It’s been the hardest thing I’ve had to deal with outside of Gavin’s NICU stay and my grandparents deaths. #covidsucks #GETVACCINATED.” 

November 14, 2022: 

“How long did it take you to get your lung capacity back after covid?  Adding I had a small blood clot which has since cleared.  I still cannot catch my breath after even a short and mild workout!  I’m so depressed because working out is my happy place but I physically can’t do it [crying emoji]. 

“I have seen my drs and I’m keeping up with all follow ups but I’m told it just takes time.  But how much?!?!” 

Jared Moore 

July 27, 2021: 

“Well, I didn’t think it would happen to me, but I have covid. Before you ask, yes, I was vaccinated in January. Luckily, I’m able to receive the Regen-Cov infusion. I have pretty mild symptoms and will hopefully be over all of this soon. Please get vaccinated. I’m begging you!” 

October 13, 2022: 

“I’ve been admitted into the cardiac care unit at hillcrest south. I have pneumonia and very high troponin levels. I’ve had a heart attack very recently is what I’m being told. I’ve not been feeling well the last couple of day and tried to ignore it but my pcp advised me to come to the ER to be evaluated. I am receiving a lot of antibiotics right now and some other medications. So say a little prayer for me! This was the last thing I needed to happen.” 

Brooke Crass 

August 22, 2021: 

“As I’m coming off my 10th day of quarantine, I just want to say we all need to take this Delta variant serious, y’all!! I had COVID back in October, and was fully vaccinated, so I believe this is why my symptoms were milder then many this go around. But that can’t be said for others, and we’ve got to do our part to protect others and ourselves! Wear your mask, wash your hands, and get vaccinated, if there’s any chance for us to ever get back to ‘normal!!’” 

November 17, 2022: 

“Our hearts are broken. Brooke passed away unexpectedly this past Sunday (11/13/22). Please keep our family (especially her son Landon) and Brooke's close friends in your prayers.” 

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