Vaccine mandates: Is there a nonviolent solution? Opinion

“’If each Jew in Germany had been prepared to take one SS trooper with him before he was sent to the camps and the gas ovens, precious few Jews would have been arrested,’ Emil Groteschele argued. ‘At some point Hitler and the SS would have stopped. Face it. If every Jew who was arrested had walked to the door with a pistol in his hand and started shooting at the local heroes, how long would the Nazis have kept it up? At around a few hundred they would have started to think twice. At a few thousand they would have started to shake a bit. If it got to twenty thousand, they would have called it off. But the first Jews who shuffled quietly off to death camps or hid like mice in attics were instruments of destruction of the rest.’”


Government and societal COVID-19 responses have been characterized by what appear conceptually to be like two parallel universes. On the one hand, there are thousands of physicians, scientists, and experts worldwide who hold that the nature and severity of the COVID-19 outbreak is not what it was predicted to be, and that responses by most governments have been wrongheaded at best, and have only exacerbated the death toll and general “misery index”, with some going so far as to accuse proponents of these policies of crimes against humanity and mass murder.On the other hand, there are the government officials, and the doctors and scientists upon whom they rely, who relate to COVID-19, at least in public statements if not in private conviction and behavior, as no less than an enemy and strategic threat to national security, thus forming the basis to apply draconian measures and police brutality to individuals and communities deemed to be providing aid and comfort to this enemy.

Elderly man collapses amid spasms during arrest for 'failing to wear face mask' in public. The incident was filmed Monday in Brisbane's Botanic Gardens after Queensland's lockdown was extended.

In the years or months remaining to us of journalistic freedom, it may be worthwhile to explore what conflicting conceptions motivate and inform these two divergent interpretations of reality, and whether a nonviolent conclusion to this conflict is possible.The 1962 novel Fail Safe was adapted into a 1964 Cold War thriller film portraying a fictional account of a nuclear crisis, that starred Dan O'Herlihy as Brigadier General Warren A. "Blackie" Black, USAF, and Walter Matthau as Walter Groteschele.Fail Safe tells the story of the United States starting a nuclear war with the Soviet Union that cannot be stopped because of a technological system that precludes the possibility of human intervention. According to Steve Anderson, in Fail Safe, a technological malfunction triggers an unstoppable chain of events where "trained, obedient soldiers become an extension of a faulty technological apparatus, literally executing the programs of an attack scenario designed to prevent any deviation from orders, no matter how illogical or apocalyptic they may be," resulting in the nuclear destruction of Moscow and New York.Anderson continued: “Fail Safe enforces a rigid dichotomy between the compassionate, level-headed humanity of the U.S. President played by Henry Fonda, and the cold corporatism of his German-American national security advisor, Professor Groteschele played by Walter Matthau. Groteschele, who was transparently modeled on RAND Corporation military strategist Herman Kahn, who also inspired Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove, is aligned with the computational logic of the computer systems responsible for the crisis as he coldly calculates the number of casualties that may be expected from detonating a nuclear bomb over New York.”

Hydroxychloroquine banning those who have not received a COVID-19 injection from entering supermarkets, groceries, department stores, and convenience stores.In Israel, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett called Israelis who did not submit to the experimental COVID-19 shot “health threats” and a danger to the Israel economy, prompting some to warn that the Prime Minister’s comments signaled “,' - for Vaccine. In other words, , number one."Number two, if you do get sick by this bioweapon, and you're a moderate- to high-risk patient, then just treat with the zinc ionophore/anti-inflammatory approach within the first two days, and you'll survive."Those are the two simple ideas - we can get bogged down into the biochemical nature of all these things, but if we're trying to reach humanity on a global scale, and prevent mass genocide, which is coming, what we need to do is spread these two ideas."What's it to be, then? "We'll get liberty peacefully if we can, by cruel war if we must," or "What we need to do is spread two ideas"?The question hangs on a greater one: Does Western democracy really allow all individuals and all groups in society to maintain their ideals in an equal, symmetrical manner?It was none other than "Zinc Ionophores include: In a recent interview, Dr. Zelenko said: “A natural animal virus was changed to infect humans, and then its lethality was augmented to cause blood clots and lung damage."In concept here, we're dealing with a Hitler/Stalin-type of mentality with weapons of mass destruction."The way to win this war - and it's very winnable - is in the following manner (it's a narrative war): We need to spread the following two ideas:"King David in Psalms of David writes: 'fascism rising in Israel their actions ended up being destructive.The "We can potentially cure all Corona, Influenza, and RSV infections with a safe, cheap, and oral treatment approach."This is why the Globalists, Pharmaceutical industry, tyrants, despots, and devolved pagans are opposing this approach."It undermines their agenda, profits, and the use of fear as a weapon."We must resist and sacrifice at all costs and win the war for God consciousness and freedom from tyranny."Dr. Zelenko continued: “Wake up, people, and get ready to defend your life and that of your loved ones. Resist and sacrifice against tyranny and for the freedom of your children.”In a public post Dr. Zelenko elaborated: “Every adult should legally buy a 12-gauge shotgun and ammunition; every adult should learn how to safely use it. Always assume it is loaded and never point it at anyone unless you intend to use it. Make sure it is safely secured and away from the reach of children.“In most states a shotgun does not require a gun license. You will need to pass a federal background check.“Read the Constitution, and especially the Second Amendment. Be prepared to protect yourself from government tyranny. Have no fear, and God bless you!!!”human lives have been eliminated at the hands of governments in control of the lives of peopleRabbi SmithYou should stay away from bad, and do goodexecutive orderall the Corona virus strainsDr. ZelenkoThe same year the European and Chinese communists celebrated the 250th anniversary of Rousseau's birth, a young man named Peter Fechter, 18 years old, attempted to climb Berlin's Wall of Shame and escape from the Communist East into West Berlin. East German guards shot him, and he fell back into the Communist utopia, where he lay bleeding and crying until he died an hour later."The East Berlin City Funeral Commission sent an official state orator to explain to weeping relatives the theory of government that required such a sacrifice. 'The young man had made a foolish decision,' he proclaimed."Comparing life in divided Berlin to climbing a mountain, the Communist orator said, 'Certain paths are blocked to ordinary people, although they might want to see the beautiful view from higher up. The authorities know these paths are dangerous. We must trust the judgment of our Government.'"Those who do not must be procrusteanized with bullet and bayonet" - and vaccine - "'forced to be free'."' (34:14). 'Stay away from bad' in this context is 'don't give in to your fear and choose to walk into the gas chamber and take Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith village chiefs to prevent those in their communities who refuse to be vaccinated from leaving home: “I am telling you, don’t leave your homes. If you go out, I will tell the police to escort you back to your house because you are a walking spreader,” Duterte claimed. The mayor of the city of Lapu-Lapu issued a new has warned that the same motivations may be in place today, and that community leadership may be unwittingly or otherwise luring their unsuspecting flocks into a trap: “It is of particular concern with medical doctors. In our litigation against physician-assisted suicide in New Jersey, I have come to learn that the cornerstone of the Nazi death machinery was the doctors and the Nazis put great weight on medicalizing the sterilization and euthanasia programs. German public health officials were instrumental in creating sealed ghettos. It was the medicalization that made the process presentable to the German people. The doctors who ran the programs to euthanize the elderly and the sick and the disabled children went on to run the death camps. So doctors in a committee making decrees is unacceptable. Doctors cannot be allowed to run communities and institutions as medical committees.” don't kill yourselfZyklon V continued: “Furthermore, over the last 100 years, over 500,000,000 Zelenko ProtocolRSVIvermectinRise of Radicalism discoverer Dr. Vladimir Ze'ev Zelenko has been increasingly outspoken regarding government tyranny. Responding to Cuomo's words, , often using medical means, doctors, and nurses to carry this out. The deadly dangers of all-powerful governments far exceed, by many multiples, the danger of any disease, including COVID-19 even if it were to be as dangerous as the worst speculation.”Grim reminders such as these acquire special significance in light of the recent wave of vaccine mandates worldwide and statements by leaders that some are calling "official incitement". Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte last week said Coumo is “already responsible for the mass murder of 20,000 souls in nursing homes. Now he is coming to assault and batter us with a poison death shot.”Dr. Zelenko wrote: "The Zinc/Zinc Ionophore approach inhibits RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP). RDRP is essential for some RNA viruses such as: who "felt compelled to demand the death penalty for all who deny the civil religion." His intellectual, though much more tolerant colleague, Mabley, was willing to suffice with merely banning and deporting the heretics.In Eugene Methvin’s masterpiece Judenrats came to terms with the oppression they were under, helping the oppressors by feeding them victims in exchange for stretching their ability to survive for a while. In many cases, members of the leadership were able to set up a system to take personal advantage of their position, working out deals with the Germans to help relatives or friends out of trouble, while sacrificing the communities with whom they had been entrusted.[embed][/embed]Attorney ordered.”And in New York, Governor Andrew Coumo said of those exercising their bodily autonomy: "We have to get in those communities, and we have to knock on those doors, and we have to convince people, and put them in a car, and drive them, and get that vaccine in their arm; that is the mission."it notesEGCGall the influenza strainsJean-Jacques RousseauQuercetin: “