Vaccine-injured pilot issues warning about aviation safety

A young pilot who was injured by the COVID-19 shots warns that aviation safety has been compromised by vaccinated pilots.

24-year-old recreational pilot Sierra Lund took the vaccines a year-and-a-half ago because she felt socially pressured and wanted to travel to a foreign destination which had imposed a vaccine mandate. Eighteen hours later, she felt chest pain so intense that she had trouble breathing and walking. She was diagnosed with pericarditis, inflammation of the heart’s lining, as well as myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle.

The CDC and FDA have both reluctantly admitted that the COVID-19 vaccines carry a risk of myocarditis and pericarditis. Dr. Paul Offit, considered America’s top vaccine expert and an ardent vaccine proponent, recently confirmed that the COVID injections can cause pericarditis and myocarditis.

A peer-reviewed study published last year by MIT in the science journal Nature, found that a 25% increase in cardiac events among young people in 2021 was entirely correlated to the COVID-19 vaccines.

Notably, another study published last year found that a rise in myocarditis and pericarditis cases is not due to COVID-19 infection.

Lund told The Epoch Times she has “zero doubt” the vaccine caused her condition, which she suffers to this day and prevents her from flying solo.

“A lot of people are afraid to talk about it, afraid to lose their jobs,” she said. “And since I’m not in that situation, I have a responsibility to speak out.”

Passengers on a recent British Airways flight from Cairo to Heathrow Airport in London narrowly escaped mass tragedy when the captain suddenly collapsed and died of a heart attack just before the flight.

“It’s a real big issue. . . . But as far as the FAA [Federal Aviation Administration], I think that they need to start investigating these cases of pilots and people in the aviation world that are getting adverse side effects and come up with a real solution,” says Lund.

Italian media reported Tuesday that an Emirates flight from Milan to Dubai was forced to return to Malpensa airport after the flight’s first officer suffered a sudden, unidentified illness.

Lund blames the FAA for enforcing Joe Biden’s federal vaccine mandate, especially since the agency’s rules forbid pilots from flying “if using medication that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved less than 12 months ago. . .This observation period allows time for uncommon, but aeromedically significant, adverse effects to manifest themselves....”   

The young pilot urges the FAA to investigate the vaccine’s harmful effects on pilots. Failure to do so, she warns, can be “extremely dangerous for the pilots and for the general public”.

On Saturday, a United Airlines flight flying from Guatemala to Chicago was rerouted to Houston after the pilot reportedly suffered a medical emergency and became “incapacitated”. According to an internal communication, the pilot was suffering chest pains.

“I think one thing that the public needs to know is, if they hear of a pilot having a condition, or a heart attack in the cockpit, they aren’t just your average person. . .I mean, these people go in for extensive medical screenings to keep their jobs,” Lund said. “So these should be the healthiest people out there.”

Last month, Frontline News reported that a UK pilot whose instructor died suddenly mid-flight thought the older pilot was pulling a prank.

The incident occurred in June 2022 during a training flight from an airfield in Blackpool. The pilot recalls speaking normally with the 57-year-old instructor, with whom he enjoyed a friendly rapport, as he taxied on the runway. Shortly after takeoff, the instructor’s head rolled back. The pilot thought the instructor was pretending to take a nap and proceeded to fly the circuit. During a turn, the instructor slumped forward with his head resting on the pilot’s shoulder. The pilot still thought the instructor was joking around.

After touchdown, the instructor still had not lifted his head from the pilot’s shoulder and was unresponsive. The pilot alerted other aircraft personnel and an ambulance was brought in, but medics were unable to revive the instructor.

A post-mortem report found that the instructor, who had passed his physical test two months ago and was fit to fly, had suffered sudden acute cardiac failure.

American Airlines First Officer Josh Yoder, co-founder of the aviation advocacy group US Freedom Flyers, says that many pilots are suffering sudden health issues which they suspect were caused by the COVID vaccines.

“This is not something that we’ve seen happening on this scale before,” Yoder said. “You never heard about it; it was very rare … Now it’s something we hear about now almost every week.”

In November, a newly-hired Envoy Air pilot collapsed just minutes after takeoff and was pronounced dead at the hospital shortly after an emergency landing, reported Frontline News. 

Other reported cases include a passenger with no flying experience miraculously landing a plane after its pilot suddenly suffered a cardiac event and passed out mid-flight.    

In another incident last year, American Airlines Captain Robert Snow suffered a cardiac arrest six minutes after landing, for which he blamed the COVID-19 vaccines.  

In yet another harrowing episode, Captain Cody Flint nearly blacked out during his flight two days after getting injected with the COVID-19 shots. Though he safely landed the plane, Flint has no recollection of doing so.     

Yoder is reportedly inundated with calls from private flyers requesting unvaccinated pilots to fly their jets.

“He’s getting calls now from wealthy businessmen and companies to fly their executives around on business jets with unvaccinated crew,” said Captain Alan Dana, who was terminated by JetStar after 14 years of service for refusing to comply with its vaccine mandate. “Now, they get the luxury of being able to choose, because there are still a large amount of crew available in the United States who are not vaccinated because the companies they work for didn’t mandate it.” 

“These wealthy businessmen are requiring unvaccinated crew on their business trips,” Dana added. “Passengers on an airline who bought a ticket don’t have that luxury.” 

 The FAA, however, continues to deny there might be any link between medical emergencies among pilots and the COVID-19 vaccines.

“The FAA has seen no credible evidence of aircraft accidents or incapacitations caused by pilots suffering medical complications associated with COVID-19 vaccines,” the agency told The Epoch Times.