Vaccinated Canadian official says catching COVID-19 ‘teachable moment’

Liberal Party MP and physician Carolyn Bennett Wednesday used her recent infection with COVID-19 as a “teachable moment” to push the vaccine. 

Ever since it was found that the vaccines do not prevent transmission, it has become custom for politicians to follow a loosely scripted statement after contracting COVID-19, which almost always involves an expression of gratitude for the vaccine. 

“I’ve tested positive for COVID-19. I’ll be following public health guidelines and isolating,” Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted earlier this month after catching COVID for the second time. “I feel okay, but that’s because I got my shots. So, if you haven’t, get vaccinated - and if you can, get boosted. Let’s protect our healthcare system, each other, and ourselves.” 

"After testing negative this week, Speaker Pelosi received a positive test result for COVID-19 and is currently asymptomatic," said Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill in April. "The Speaker is fully vaccinated and boosted, and is thankful for the robust protection the vaccine has provided." 

The same month, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) announced: “This evening, I unfortunately tested positive for COVID-19. I'm feeling fine, and grateful to be vaccinated and boosted. In the coming days, I will quarantine and follow CDC guidelines. And remember, please get vaccinated!” 

In March, former President Barack Obama also caught COVID. 

“I just tested positive for COVID. I’ve had a scratchy throat for a couple days, but am feeling fine otherwise. Michelle and I are grateful to be vaccinated and boosted, and she has tested negative. It’s a reminder to get vaccinated if you haven’t already, even as cases go down.” 

But Carolyn Bennett, who is also Canada’s associate minister of health, used her infection as proof that others should get vaccinated. 

“I have just tested positive for COVID-19,” she tweeted. “I am feeling fine. I am grateful that my vaccinations are up to date, including my 4th shot. I will now isolate. Teachable moment, make sure your vaccinations are up to date - protect yourself, others and our healthcare system.” 

Bennett’s announcement did not get a warm reception and the MP – who lists her pronouns as “she/her/elle” - was ruthlessly mocked online. 

“I’ve just caught a cold that I’ve been vaccinated against 4 times, & my ego won’t let me admit I’ve been duped,” responded one netizen. “In fact, I’m so befuddled by it all, I’m going go on social media, claim that this makes sense and shill the vaccines to others. Fixed your post.” 

“I got a vasectomy but my girlfriend still got pregnant. Thank god I got the vasectomy or we could be having twins.” 

“4 shots, 3 pronouns and still contracted the virus? But how?” 

“Read your tweet again and again until it sinks in.” 

“I thought the ‘script’ (I'm grateful for the vax, blah blah) was only used in the U.S. but now I see it's global. Interesting. Y'all need a knew script.” 

“What this tells me is that your vaccination didn’t work. Imagine taking 4 vaccinations within the space of a year for rabies and then you get rabies ? Laughable , common sense all but dead.” 

“You got the vid after 4 jabs of the crap that was supposed to prevent you from getting the vid? Cool story bro.” 

“I don't have COVID. Never have had COVID. Never been jabbed and never will be. Taking ivermectin (human formulation) twice a week for the past year. I'm thankful I resisted the vax. Protect yourself the way I have.”