UPDATE: Released records for fake COVID patient show fraud

Earlier this month, AFLDS Frontline News reported on Ben Gordon, an Arizona resident who was in a car accident and airlifted to Flagstaff Medical Center. The hospital immediately declared Gordon a COVID patient and intubated him, though he had no symptoms or respiratory issues. 

Gordon managed to extricate himself from the hospital. 

Now, Gordon has provided AFLDS Frontline News with the released medical records, which show alarming evidence that the hospital was just trying to log another COVID-19 patient and ventilate him. 

Incentives for hospitals to log COVID-19 patients and deaths have been gaining widespread attention lately, particularly since Dr. Robert Malone discussed it on Joe Rogan’s podcast in December.   

“The numbers are quite large,” the architect of mRNA technology told Rogan. “There’s something like a $3,000 basically death benefit to a hospital if it can be claimed to be COVID. There’s a financial incentive to call somebody COVID positive.”  

“They also receive a bonus—I think the total is something like $30,000 in incentive—if somebody gets put on the vent,” Malone added. “Then they get a bonus, if somebody is declared dead with COVID.” 

Gordon’s records show that despite lacerations on his head from the shattered windows after the collision, the only issue listed in the Problem List was COVID-19.  

When Gordon woke up in the hospital hours after being admitted, he immediately extubated himself and removed the IVs, slightly injuring himself in the process. No mention of this was included in the records. 

Another puzzling entry in the records claims that Gordon was “intoxicated” and had a blood alcohol level (BAC) of 0.24. Gordon admits to having four beers spaced out over hours prior to driving. This would give him a BAC of approximately 0.06. 

The legal limit for driving is 0.08. 

A BAC of .2 is cause for blackout in most people. If that were Gordon’s BAC, he would not have been able to enter his car. 

When a hospital makes a COVID-19 diagnosis, it’s only a matter of time before the staff tries to push Remdesivir, the dreaded drug that physicians the world over caution against but is profitable for hospitals. Indeed, Gordon’s doctor’s note said that “he may need initiation of steroids and remdesivir.” 

In 2020, then-CDC Director Robert Redfield all but admitted in a House Oversight and Reform subcommittee hearing that hospitals are incentivized to log COVID cases. 

“As long as you have COVID in your system you get to claim it as a COVID death, which means you get more money as attending physician, hospital, whatever,” Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) asked Redfield. “Would you like to comment on that, about the perverse incentive? Is there an effort to try and do something different.” 

Redfield answered that “there’s some reality to that.”