Unvaccinated' share stories of loss following new CDC guidance

New guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) which officially equates the unvaccinated with the vaccinated has “unvaccinated” users on social media sharing how they were deprived by vaccine mandates throughout the pandemic. 

The CDC “brings the recommendations for unvaccinated people in line with people who are fully vaccinated – an acknowledgment of the high levels of population immunity in the U.S., due to vaccination, past COVID-19 infections or both,” reported NPR.   

The guidance also recommends against screening people who are asymptomatic, eliminates the need to quarantine after exposure to the virus, and similarly allows children to remain in schools after exposure to an infection.  

CDC Branch Chief Greta Massetti credited the high level of herd immunity, which she said was around 95%, for the new relaxed guidelines. However vaccination rates haven't changed recently.  They are reportedly around 80%, with an estimated 67% considered fully vaccinated, and without any recent jump in vaccinations to warrant a change in the narrative. 

But now that the federal government has removed its classist division between the vaccinated and unvaccinated, the latter are coming out of the woodwork to share stories of losses they suffered for resisting the shots.  

In response to one post by ViralNewsNYC calling out New York City Mayor Eric Adams who continues to impose a vaccine mandate, netizens posted their real-life stories. 

“I would like to know... Why I was Forced into an early Retirement,” tweeted podcast host and former NYPD lieutenant John Macari. 

“Lost a career built 15 years in the DOE but more importantly the staff, students and parents lost one of the most dedicated school counselors," wrote @PurptheCEO. “Crazy because they never stopped contacting me and because of the need I still answered. Smh work without pay because of the passion. I think what hurt more is not letting kids to play on teams. I had to explain to my son who was able to play ball during 6th period but as soon as the team started to play he couldn’t because of a stupid policy. Mind you he passed tryouts & got on the team but no shot no play.” 

“I remember like yesterday..crying with my colleagues, having to tell my students that I’d be gone for idk how long,” shared @s2ab0z. "Happened so fast. I was not a ‘threat’ to them as the DOE labeled me. I’ve mourned the job I loved every day since. My heart has never hurt like that. We were banished, told not to communicate w/anyone. Students reached out to me asking when I’d be back. An artist contacted me distraught, no portfolio prepared for their desired HS, deadline was that day… I scrambled & helped get work together..ended up being accepted to the HS.” 

“I was barred from attending my daughter’s spring concert at school,” said @nycfreethinker. “The principal let me stand in outside and watch through an open door. This was after many vaccinated students and teachers had covid. We all knew how absurd the discrimination against the unvaccinated was.” 

“Highly effective teacher not allowed to step foot in a school building as I am considered a threat to public health,” recounted @AngelaGia7. “This has affected my family’s financial stability greatly as well as my mental health.” 

“Not allowed to see my daughter at school. Wasn’t allowed to eat in a restaurant. My daughter became depressed & anxious because she couldn’t go anywhere or do anything.  There were no carve outs for medical exemptions. Other child lost 1 1/2 years of schooling,” posted @zieselbrown. 

“I am a mother who lost the ability to provide for my kids...right when my mom passed. I deserve the right to my body and to work. #endthemandates,” chimed in @_marbar1985. 

Other responses included: 

“The autistic preschoolers I treat lost years of progress. And today I still have to mask as a speech therapist in NYC.” 

“Held the line for 7 months. And then, well—-had a mortgage to pay.” 

“I lost the base of my entire life! My career! My ability to provide for my family was taken from me. Some friends family members treated me like a leper. My mental health has also suffered trying to figure out how to get by day to day. MY ENTIRE LIFE WAS TURNED UPSIDE DOWN!” 

“By torturing us in drawn out court cases, I’ve lost thousands of dollars in my TDA, IRA, and hair!  daily thoughts of not being able to feed my family, pay my rent and being able to sustain my strength through this tumultuous ordeal of government tyranny!!!!” 

“My brother was forced to drop out of college. He even got two shots of covid vax (and then had covid) but they want three. And he can't get three because he reacted to the first two very badly - one more may destroy his quality of life completely.”