UN ejects Israel ambassador for protesting Iran

United Nations security personnel Tuesday forcefully ejected Israel’s UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan after he protested a speech by Iran’s president.

President Ebrahim Raisi took the podium at the 78th United Nations General Assembly Tuesday where he brandished the Koran and railed against Israel, vowed to continue developing “peaceful nuclear energy," and denounced “Islamophobia.”

President Trump sanctioned Raisi for helping massacre 5,000 Iranian prisoners in 1988 and the regime’s execution of 1,500 demonstrators in 2019.

During Raisi’s speech, Israel Ambassador Erdan walked towards the podium holding a large photo of Mahsa Amini, an Iranian woman reportedly murdered last year by Iran’s Islamic police for wearing her hijab incorrectly. On the photo was written, “Iranian women deserve freedom now!”

Erdan eventually turned and walked out of the main assembly hall. He was approached by a security officer and stopped to speak with her. But a suited individual who appeared to be a security official grabbed Erdan and shoved him into the wall, demanding his UN identification. Both security personnel then grabbed the ambassador’s arms and escorted him outside the building.

Hundreds stood outside the UN building protesting Raisi’s presence, though none — save for Erdan — protested within the UN’s walls.

"While the butcher of Tehran is speaking at the UN and is being respected by the international community, hundreds of Iranians are protesting outside, shouting and calling on the international community to wake up and help them," Erdan said in a statement.

Erdan told Fox News Digital he wanted to draw the public’s attention to the "hypocrisy and the moral distortion" of the UN.

But critics have dismissed Erdan’s condemnation of the UN — which has been seconded by Israeli diplomats for decades — as meaningless. For one thing, Erdan was one of the chief negotiators of a “pandemic declaration” approved by the UN Wednesday. The declaration calls for more vaccinations and for member states to address “misinformation” and “vaccine hesitancy". It also demands that a Pandemic Accord be signed which will allow the World Health Organization (WHO) to oversee all future pandemics. Member states are also enjoined to adopt the UN's One Health Agenda, which links human health to “climate change.”

Furthermore, critics say Israel continues to look to the United Nations for validation in hopes that one day the UN will grant the small country authenticity.

Israel empowers the UN to decide which historical or holy sites belong to Jews and which belong to Muslims, and to declare whole regions of Israel which are indigenous to Jews as prohibited to them. Despite Israelis being barred from those areas, the UN also requires Israel to sustain those areas with its own resources. In conflict, Israel treats its enemies with absurdly increasing gentility as it tries to earn the approval of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Nevertheless, the United Nations General Assembly and Human Rights Council have condemned Israel more than any other country in the world. Since 2015, Israel has received 140 condemnations, compared to 64 for all other countries combined.

Israel is met with similar treatment when it seeks such validation from related globalist organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO).

Israel's enforcement of the WHO’s guidelines during the pandemic was total, resulting in public beatings and fining children for not wearing masks. The country was also the first to offer up its citizens as testing subjects for Pfizer’s experimental COVID-19 vaccine when other countries were skittish about introducing a serum with no real-world data. Israelis became that data which gave rise to forced vaccinations around the world.

This should have earned Israel the accolade it has been seeking from the WHO and its parent organization, the UN.

Instead, Israel was the only country singled out at the 75th World Health Assembly in May for “violating health rights” after claims that Israeli soldiers and civilians systematically abuse Palestinian Authority (PA) children.

“Out of 25 items on the current world health assembly’s agenda, only one focused on a specific country — Israel,” said UN Watch Executive Director Hillel Neuer in a statement.

Israel Ambassador Gilad Erdan says that by giving Iran President Raisi a platform to speak, the UN has stooped to “a new moral low.”

“The U.N. listens to [Raisi] carefully while so many people are being murdered, killed, suffer because of him and his ruthless regime," Erdan said. The ambassador no doubt still hopes the UN will listen to Israel instead.